Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

Junior Rucker
2 min readJun 5, 2019


Hiring a criminal lawyer is the best thing one can do after being accused of criminal activity. One is advised to get a criminal lawyer whether one is guilty of the offense or not guilty. Getting a good lawyer can be a challenge because there are many criminal lawyers who pose as good lawyers yet they are out there to take advantage of the situation. The lawyers take this opportunity to enrich themselves. The best way to get a good criminal lawyer is by asking friends and relatives for who have represented them in the law of court.

Mario Madrid Law Firm will make sure that he or she defend you in the court of law so that you walk out of the court a free man. The lawyer will make sure that he or she gather concrete evidence. Once the concrete evidence is gathered he or she will table it to the judge presiding the court of law and maybe the judge will be convinced beyond any reasonable doubt. Once the judge is satisfied by the evidence provided in the court of law then he or she will not have any other choice but just to rule that you are not guilty.

Hiring a criminal attorney to take over the proceeding means that the attorney will argue out your case so that you can get bail. A criminal offense depending on the degree of the offense sometimes gets hard for someone to get bail, and it is more difficult to get bail when one does not have a lawyer to represent him or her in the court of law. The lawyer knows the law and would probably punch a hole to the statements from the prosecutor and thus forcing the judge to offer your bail and be just be following the proceeding while at home with your family. Read more here.

Hiring a criminal lawyer for your case means that you can get less sentence as compared to the one a judge can sentence you to without a lawyer representing you. In any criminal case before the court of law has a minimum sentence and a maximum sentence. A judge can decide to give you a maximum sentence but the lawyer may challenge him or her to give you the minimum sentence provided for in the constitution. This is an opportunity of serving a minimum just because you hired a criminal lawyer for your case.

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