Trump protester: “Eat pussy don’t grab it”

What we learned from protesting Trump’s Presidential Inauguration

Jun Loayza
5 min readJan 21, 2017

After the US Presidential election in 2016 ended, I told Kim that we’d be fine; however, I was politically charged like never before. I wanted to do something that would demonstrate to Trump that I would not tolerate racism, sexism, or bigotry.

I therefore reached out to my friends and asked them to join me in traveling to D.C. to protest Trump’s inauguration. 3 friends answered my call: Ryan, Yu-kai, and Michael.

Here is what we learned.

Protesters at the Trump inauguration

1. Perception is everything

Why did Trump run for President? He could easily retire. Why would he put himself through such criticism and suffering? The only possible reason is because he truly cares for the people.

- Trump supporter

We spoke to a couple in their 50’s from Maryland that were small business owners and voted for Trump.

In their heart, they believed Trump was making a tremendous sacrifice by running for President. After all, Trump is a billionaire and could easily retire. He doesn’t need more money or fame. He’s doing this for the people of America!

So I offered a different view point:

In my perspective, Trump is a narcissist who lusts for money, power, and fame. In fact, Trump was a reality TV star before running for president. His brand and wealth have risen tremendously from his presidential run. So I would put it this way, knowing what we know about Trump, why would he not run for President?

My argument was heard, but dismissed immediately.

My viewpoint just didn’t coincide with their conceptual model of Trump, so they just dismissed it as nonsense.

So this got me thinking…

Trump protester: “Dump Trump”

2. … do I suffer from as much cognitive bias as they do?

They were so passionate about Trump as a candidate that they ignored or suppressed negative information about him.

- Ryan, referring to 2 college girls that were asked what they thought about the sexual assault allegations about Trump

As soon as you mention Trump’s failed businesses, sexual assault allegations, or hateful rhetoric, a Trump supporter rolls their eyes and shuts you out completely.

As soon as you mention Clinton’s emails, Benghazi, or the Clinton Foundation, a Clinton supporter rolls their eyes and shuts you out completely.

If we don’t empathize with the other side, then how can we ever bridge the gap?

Yu-kai jumping off after getting a better view

3. Pro Choice vs Pro Life

Of course I voted for Trump! He’s pro life and he’s going to shutdown Planned Parenthood. They will go to hell for killing all those babies.

- Trump supporter

The lack of empathy across the isles is so clearly demonstrated in the Pro Life vs Pro Choice debate.

Pro Life: it’s my right to choose; my body my choice!

Pro Choice: you’re killing life!

These two sides are arguing about completely different things.

I asked Yu-kai, a devout Christian, about his standpoint on abortion:

I would never get an abortion, but I don’t judge the decision of others.

Yu-kai’s answer reminded me of Joe Biden’s answer:

With regard to abortion, I accept my church’s position that life begins at conception. That’s the church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life. But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews and — I just refuse to impose that on others. I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that women can’t control their body.

We believe in a woman’s right to choose, which is why we’re participating in the Million Woman March tomorrow.

But is there a better, more strategic way to empathize with Pro Lifers and argue/debate from a standpoint that they’ll listen to?

In front of the capitol building

4. Priorities set the agenda

Those who support Trump aren’t as different as what I imagined; they just focus on a handful of very important ideals, and those ideals are strong enough to overlook a lot of the blemishes that he has.

- Ryan

The majority of the people we spoke with said jobs was their number one priority. They believed that Trump will bring back their jobs and help them flourish.

When we asked them about climate change, they didn’t necessarily deny it; instead, they just brushed it off as a topic not worthy of their attention.

Who cares about the climate when people can’t make a decent wage!?!

It’s easy for us to live and work in California and reprimand people that want to prioritize fracking. All around us, people have great jobs and great income.

But put yourself in their shoes? What would you do if your town was falling apart due to lack of jobs? What would you prioritize if you were barely able to live paycheck to paycheck?

Max spoke fluent Arabic

5. People feel that Islam is not worth the effort

Western ideals are so different to Islam. There’s no way that they can ever understand us or change. And it’s too late to ever help them change.

- Trump supporter

Not many Trump supporters we spoke with spoke out against immigration or terrorism, but when they did, they were very passionate about it.

One Trump supporter, a 30-year old man from Georgia, really stood out to me. Even though he has never personally interacted with Muslims, he has already sentenced them as evil people that are irredeemable.

I offered my viewpoint:

I understand why you’re scared. I see two extremes: 1) we can take your approach, exile Muslims, and exacerbate the hate between the West and Islam, or 2) be open, be inviting, be loving, and accept our Muslim brothers and sisters regardless of what extremists do, thereby working together to eliminate extremism.

He shook his head:

No, it’s too late for that.

I didn’t know what to say after that. How can I change his viewpoint? Is it even my place to do so?

Thank you to Ryan, Yu-kai, and Michael for joining me today. I feel that by speaking with others who hold different beliefs and viewpoints, we can grow as human beings, learn to better empathize with others, and hopefully, spread love, acceptance, and tolerance to all.



Jun Loayza

Building HitMeUp, the AI-powered "Mailchimp" for Content Creators. Follower of Christ. 🇺🇸🇯🇵🇵🇪