How I Survived My Panic Attacks

Self-examination is the key

David White
5 min readDec 31, 2019
Photo Credit: Mwangi Gtheca/Unsplash

Some time around my late 30s or early 40s I started suffering from panic attacks. My first full blown panic attack happened while working out. I have been athletic all my life but marriage, kids and poor eating habits reeked havoc on my body. During the workout I pushed myself harder than any middle-aged man should have. In my mind I was still the same 20 something that could do anything. I learned the hard way I wasn’t.

As my heart rate climbed I continued pushing thinking no pain no gain. Suddenly I found myself panicked, gasping for air and unable to calm myself down.

Photo Credit: Alex Iby/Unsplash

Something in my mind told me to run outside in search of fresh air. My body was in full survival/flight mode. My wife remembers me running past her with a look of horror on my face.

My throat and chest tightened. I paced up and down my street until I caught my breath. Was I having a heart attack? I had never experienced anything like this before. In my youth I would tire out but never to the point of panic and fearing for my life…



David White

Son, Brother, Friend and Patriot. Managing Partner of Juno Collective, a marketing firm located in Maryland.