Contests and activities for Subspace

Since the activity on the Discord server drops between Gemini and recruiting for the ambassador program, I want to propose an idea to create contests for the community. In order to maintain people’s activity and interest. I will tell you about it in more detail and with examples!)

3 min readAug 31, 2022

For example, we will consider a competition for the best art from the community.

Terms of the competition: You need to create the best art about Subspace. Make a post on Twitter with your art. Tag the @ NetworkSubspace page and be sure to add hashtags #Subspace #SubspaceArt . After that, copy the link to your tweet and paste it in a special branch in Discord (for example, #art).

Duration of the competition: Two weeks (for example)

Number of winners: 10 (for example)

Prizes: An exclusive role in Discord (For example, role Art Master. But here you need to talk to the project administrators, since I do not have such a right)

Also examples of art already in the community:

I will also give another such example on memes.

Terms of the contest: You need to create the best meme about Subspace. Make a Twitter post with your meme. Tag the page @ NetworkSubspace and be sure to include the hashtags #Subspace #SubspaceMemes . After that, copy the link to your tweet and paste it into a dedicated thread in Discord (for example #memes ).

Duration of the competition: Two weeks (for example)

Number of winners: 10 (for example)

Prizes: An exclusive role in Discord (For example, role Memes Master)

Also examples of art already in the community:

Another interesting example of a contest with infographics.

Terms of the competition: You need to create an infographic about Subspace. Make a Twitter post with your infographic. Note that it should be easy to read. Tag the page @ NetworkSubspace and be sure to include the hashtags #Subspace #SubspaceInfographic . After that, copy the link to your tweet and paste it into a special thread in Discord (for example #infographic).

Duration of the competition: Two weeks (for example)

Number of winners: 10 (for example)

Prizes: An exclusive role in Discord (For example, role Infographic Master)

Also examples of art already in the community:

Also, such contests can be with short videos or articles about Subspace. But the main idea is to maintain activity in the community. And in order not to interfere with the team’s development, this can be done either by moderators or ambassadors. In my opinion, this is quite a simple but effective idea. Thank you for attention!)

