User Experience Is The New Brand Campaign

Jussi Solja
2 min readFeb 12, 2017


In todays connected world it’s the never ending stream of interactions that defines your brand.

Big hollow statements no longer cut it. Building a loved brand takes time and effort spent relentlessly focusing on the seemingly inconsequential and often ignored details of each interaction between you and your audience.

To embrace this consider the following.

Deliver on your promises

Are the big bold statements you are making with the majority of your marketing budget (which you should also review btw) being delivered on as your audience moves through your funnel? Is the journey of getting to know you, getting to like you and choosing you seamless or are you suffering from a case of schizophrenia?

No matter the channel or the depth of your relationship — if they’ve just met you or are old friends. It should always be the same you making good on the promises made.

Obsess over details

Make sure every piece of copy and creative speaks like you, every interaction feels like you and delivers on your brand persona and promise across all channels.

Focus especially the little reactive informative statements that might feel unimportant. The ones that are easily forgotten — like when you are asking people to sign up for your newsletter: How do you tell them they forgot to fill in all the details? How about when they succeed in subscribing — what happens next?

Empower your people

Make sure everyone in your organisation and every person working on and with your brand understands what it stands for and what it means for them, personally. Make it tangible and relatable. Explain why it’s important that everyone embraces it— not just the marketeers.

Encourage them to live it as they play the most crucial part in breathing life to the brand — in every single thing they do.

Be transparent and true to your values

It’s how you act that counts. Not what you say. We all know the truth is just an “OK Google” away. In this I suggest you do what Patagonia does. Act true to your values even if it sometimes isn’t in your best business interest.

That’s the new brand campaign. A series of carefully crafted messages, interactions and reactions that form the image of who you are and what you stand for.

Much like in life.



Jussi Solja

#Digital thinker and doer since '94. Have fought for the Sith and the Rebellion. Currently the CXO of Stage11, busy Reimagining Music for the Metaverse.