Adebola Makinde
7 min readDec 31, 2021

I won’t delete this one: A 2021 review

Some time ago this year (2021), I was on LinkedIn perusing what to do — that app is so clumsy with a lot of “daily achievers” — until I came across this beautiful person. It has to be that I was looking for journalists to connect with and she popped up or I had found her as a member of (writer for -) Document Women, a women-niched publication run by Kiki Mordi.

I had tried to source for mediums to pitch my story idea after I found out about Document Women. At that time, I just watched Sex for Grades, a documentary by Kiki. Her prowess attracted me to the platform. I was bent on having the story published and I tried to find connections working for the magazine. It was then I connected with Angel Nduka-Nwosu. She told me never to delete any of my write-ups again.

In previous years before 2021, I battled with self-check. You can choose to call it self-esteem. Every area of me was affected but this year, I seem to have healed — at least, a bit.

That seemed soft and dramatic. In fact, unreal!

For so many better-untold reasons, I was just a ray of light (to myself). I had a sense of creating impressions which made people identify beams of great significance but, I was just not so confident in myself. I only do what I have to do regardless. That was my orientation and still is.

It is not hard to identify me in a room yet it is simple to overlook my presence — sometimes, I lose it. I get tired of doing because I’m in the purchase of purpose.

I made an expository about purpose on my Facebook page. (It has been deleted long before I knew Angel!). I stated clearly that purpose is abstract. I mean, how can you be made for one thing? Just that thing? It sounds dumb to live 365 solid days regardless of the age you have to live on earth doing such. But to cue your horror, I know some people find it interesting but not I.

I have a lot I can do.

The sense of purpose makes you reevaluate. You ask questions like: am I really doing what I should be doing? Is this the right time? They are sickening and breathtaking. If a survey was done about people who know their purpose, it would be terrible to know that more than half the population would not know.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life; I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say I used everything you gave me.”

I posted this quote on Facebook and now it makes absolute sense. I learnt there’s beauty in words. And word is art.

I Am

In 2021, I count as a believer.

I was a quasi-believer all days of my life until I knew God was intentional about me. I learnt the difference between a Christian who is outrightly religious and a believer, ultimately spiritual.

I hope this word brings light to someone that God is intentional about your existence. He knew you even before you were born and would never harm you. They are not in His plans!

This brings me back to purpose. I found who I was in Christ. A potter would never destroy his artwork else, he wants to ruin and be condemned to nothing. A destroyer.

I chose to be like my Potter. I found myself in Him because He made me like Him. Let your light so shine before the world…

I’m more bold to embrace my dreams. It doesn’t matter how many unrelated stuff I do. He has given me the mandate to do it and I can’t disobey my father. So again: “When I stand before God, at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say; I used everything you gave me.”

The whole level of confidence in saying I am is underrated and misunderstood. It means you are confident about who you are. It means you have the power to do and undo. It means you manifest that which it is you call yourself.

I am Adebola. I am…

I didn’t speak confidently until I discovered I had no reason to be guilty. Christ manifests in me and He is the I am. Who am I not to be? When I call Him my father!

I found purpose in God. I let Him come and take over in all I do.



Among the many beautiful things I experienced this year, it has to be that I understood to a certain level what journalism is. I joined my school body of Journalists (Union of Campus Journalists, Unilorin) and have written a number of reports/stories.

Journaling is therapeutic. In that same energy, I have written three columns in the mainstream media. Guess what medium it is…


That didn’t seem loud enough but it is for now. It was a big deal actually. My first entry was a gigantic effort.

I see myself in my writings. I see through the lens of themes I desire to pass across. I might become an author someday.

I have a few more than or up to ten published works now. If I hadn’t deleted the ones I authored individually…

I also made it to broadcasting companies. Come 2022, I’ll effectively have my way again.


Some people are conveyed by various ships, but the one I enjoy the most is a steady one. There are various kinds of ships.

I demand a steady relationship with anyone.

“There is beauty in connection. Your connection is your net worth. If you fail to build connection with people, your children will blame you. The connection you build today will help your generation; your children.”

Those are effective phrases.

In 2021, I didn’t choose my friends but I chose my circle. I have lots of friends and I get help from so many people but hardly would you find one in every ten persons as part of my circle. My circle is still growing.

Invaluable friendships are noteworthy. I haven’t been able to meet up to so many people’s standards but, I make sure to deliver what I call my best. It is no surprise people expect you to be like them or create pyramids of expectations expecting you to match. I am not sorry for not meeting up or for exceeding the scale, I’m just okay shifting. I’m okay increasing and adding every day and this has been made possible not just by myself, I had a lot of great personalities, men of stature and great repute contribute to my dealings. I’m glad for the gift of men! The ones I’m surrounded by and the ones surrounded with me. This year was a successful ride for me and every person I had something to do with.

Lest I perish…

I met a black man this year.

You shouldn’t know what that means but that’s just a heads up. : )

I looked like this in 2021
I looked like this in 2021

Content writing is like cake. I had that assumption this year. That was my source of income apart from my feeding allowance. I cracked a lot, did research, and had to stay online 24/7. I earned from social media management and content writing this year.

Writing is my muse. I read when I am not writing. However, it always remains a dream no matter how many words I have fleshed out. No matter how many pages I have written, writing still seems like a dream.


I travelled to different states within Nigeria this year. Energy Concept is a great team I have joined since I began my freshman year at Unilorin. I have friends and amazing personalities in the team. The organization successfully embarked on two tours this year. Personally, I made travels to Osun state twice.

Tour to Benin City


I attended several conferences in 2021. I have lost count. I have spoken about social and environmental development in various organizations. That’s my flair. I volunteered for different organizations. LiveUp Africa is one of them. I have a beautiful and exceptional tribe of youth go-getters here.

An outreach to a juvenile home in Ibadan, Oyo state. February 2021.

I am filling this age (18) with the best of experience, and great and unregrettable energy.

I have a lot unlisted for my 2021 review but above all, these words would make me remember all that mattered.

See you in 2022.