Just a Girl & Her Strategies
Just a Girl & Her Strategies

Hey! You found me and I'm so glad you did.

I'm Just a Girl & Her Strategies. I created the blog A Second for Self-Care.

Work-wise, I'm a school counselor-turned-temporary-Stay at Home Mom. In my personal life I'm also a wife, studier of Buddhism, antiquer, thrifter, baker, amateur artist and photographer...(and other fun things that you'll learn about if you stick around with me here on Medium!)

In my work as a school counselor, my job - among many things - was to provide comfort and solutions to elementary-aged students, and sometimes to the adults in the school building, too!

From the time I started the career I went through a lot in my personal and professional life. Ever heard of the top five most stressful life events? I experienced them all in the span of just a few short years. And some of them more than once.

As my emotional and mental battery drained and burnout set in, I realized I was the one who needed comfort and solutions. Not only that, but I recognized it was going to have to be me to create it for myself. So I set out on an inward journey to cultivate personal peace via "the strategies" and the ideas you'll read here.

On my blog, A Second for Self-Care, you'll find a new self-care strategy every week on Mondays. If you're looking for wellness tips that are quick, practical and easy to implement, definitely subscribe!

I'm so pumped to be here on Medium because it's on this platform where you'll find my longer-form methods, practices, and perspectives to enhance your well-being. My voice and experiences are now not just mine, they're ours, and I can't wait to share it all with you.

So come for the strategies, and stay for the stories! :D

From my heart to yours,

Just a Girl & Her Strategies <3

Medium member since October 2023
Just a Girl & Her Strategies

Just a Girl & Her Strategies

Creator of asecondforselfcare.com. Thinker. Problem-solver. I share what has made me feel better so you can feel better too :)