Why is Jesus an Exorcist?

Jus Takiguchi
5 min readApr 7, 2024

One of the defining characteristics of Jesus’ ministry is His power as an exorcist. While exorcism was common and well-known in Second Temple Judaism, it was a dangerous, lengthy, and complicated practice that had no guarantee of success. Jesus’ simple commands and complete effectiveness in exorcism caused the crowds to marvel.

However, if you look at the Old Testament, there are practically no exorcisms whatsoever. The only exorcism in the Old Testament occurs in 1 Samuel 16, where a young David’s skill with the harp soothes a tormented King Saul. So why is exorcism so prominent in Jesus’ ministry when it barely appears in the Old Testament? The answer is fascinating; it concerns how Jews viewed David’s line in the Second Temple period. You probably already knew that David and Solomon were two of Israel’s greatest kings, and Jews held them in very high regard during the Second Temple period. However, it may surprise you that during this period, David and Solomon were also renowned as exorcists.

King David

I’ll begin with David. As the introduction mentions, David’s story starts with his recruitment into Saul’s court as an exorcistic musician. The linking of music and exorcism is important because David was a well-known Psalmist. There’s a German term in biblical scholarship called “Sitz im Leben,” and it roughly translates to “situation in…

