So you’ve quit your job without a backup plan…

Jorge Villasante
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

Let me start by saying this is not an endorsement to quit your job without a backup plan. Everyone’s situation is different and it is solely and utterly up to you to manage your work-life.

But, if you did quit with no backup plan — Holy shit!

What are you gonna do?!?! What were you thinking?!?! Who is going to pay for that new laptop?!?! What are you gonna doooo?!?! Don’t you feel strangely better?!?! …Right?

There is, more than likely, a weird 5 Stages of Grief scenario happening in your head right now. That’s alright.


You’ve done the unthinkable and yeah you’re probably freaking out but, it’s gonna be okay; you did just did what felt right for you. Look, there are plenty of lousy, tough, and just plain bad jobs. In fact, you’ve probably had a few if you’re alive, over 25, and reading this.

If you’re like me, you’ve just quit a job on day two because you know, fundamentally, that it’s not what you’re supposed to be doing, that it’s not going to be something you’re going to be happy doing.

There’s no need to apologize.

Your friends and family may go nuts. “You should’ve stuck it out.” “It’s a temporary sacrifice.” “Life isn’t easy.”

