Monthly Report (April 2018)Our team continued developing our project last month. During March we were working on the phone service. In March we plan to improve…May 1, 2018May 1, 2018
Monthly Report (March 2018)Our team continued developing our project last month. During March we were improving our SEO pages. We made some important translations at…Apr 1, 2018Apr 1, 2018
Monthly Report (February 2018)Our team continued developing our project last month. We had unexpected difficulties with our servers. Our storage ran out of free space…Mar 1, 2018Mar 1, 2018
Monthly Report (January 2018)We have good news. We continued developing our project last month. Our team coped with the implementation of two basic services. We…Feb 1, 2018Feb 1, 2018
How to trade JustDatingCoins (JDC) on the DEXFirst of all, download and install the Waves Wallet Exchanging a token on the DEX costs you 0.003 WAVES…Jan 17, 2018Jan 17, 2018
We are glad to announce that our project is successfully improving according to our road map.Best regards,Dec 6, 20171Dec 6, 20171
We are glad to inform that we are working hard on our project http://justdatingsite.comWe are developing our project in a different direction. We are proud to present our new site . The Just Dating…Nov 4, 2017Nov 4, 2017
We are listed in the ICO Calendar of a very famous and respectable site 29, 2017Aug 29, 2017