Monthly Report (February 2018)
2 min readMar 1, 2018

Our team continued developing our project last month. We had unexpected difficulties with our servers. Our storage ran out of free space. We ordered more powerful one. Also we set up a new server for our website. After it we were checking all our services at our new servers. Relocation was successful.

We’ve recently made the decision. We want to implement the phone service. It will be helping to our users. Our team plans to use a third-party partner for telephony. If you have information about such services, you may contact us by email . We will working on the phone service next 2 months.

February 2018 Statistics

New profiles: 1,384

Sent messages: 12,205

Sent winks: 9155

Advertising income: 188.02 USD

Premium service income: 616.53 USD

Total income: 804.65 USD

Total income without tax: 665 USD

Users: 28,019

Pageviews: 213,962

We made buyback again. You can see it in the DEX.

