6 min readNov 16, 2016

Lipton Green Tea Benefits for Weight Loss

Green tea and weight loss goes hand in hand because green tea helps in creating calorie deficit by burning fat and thus helps in losing weight Green tea not only increases metabolism but also prevents fat cells from growing. In addition, it reduces cholesterol and blood pressure.

By simply adding green tea to your diet can give your weight loss efforts a boost.Drinking lipton green tea is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to help you in your fight to lose stubborn fat.

How does Lipton green tea help in weight loss?

  • Extra Flavonoids

Green tea gives our bodies flavonoids which help us reach our weight loss goal. Drinking an 8 fluid oz serving of Lipton green tea provides 150 mg of flavonoids. It also has zero grams fat, zero milligrams of sodium and zero grams of carbohydrates.

  • Calorie Free

Lipton offers pure green tea as well as flavoured teas made with orange, passion fruit, berries and other ingredients. All Lipton tea bags yield calorie-free beverages, provided you don’t add sugar, milk or other caloric additives.

  • Antioxidants

Like other green teas, Lipton’s versions contain a combination of caffeine and catechins — a type of antioxidant that alters cell-signalling pathways. These pathways control how cells in the body grow, multiply and die.

  • No Added Preservatives

Lipton green tea contains 100% natural leaves without any added chemicals or preservatives. This makes it more effective in losing weight in a natural way.

It increases the process of metabolism. On the other hand it helps in reducing stress which is main cause of slow metabolism.

  • Blocks Fat Storage

It also contains polyphenols that help in burning fat. It is also a powerhouse of antioxidants that blocks the conversion of ingested calories into fat. This blocks the fat storage and its production in our body. This automatically hinders excessive weight gain.

What are the other benefits of Lipton green tea?

  • Immunity Boost

It helps in boosting immune system, making it easier for you to fight off illnesses and stay healthy. While green tea is not a substitute for vaccines or other medicines, drinking it might help you stay well during flu season. Green tea contains high levels of gamma delta T cells whose primary function is to fight infections.

  • Appropriate Caffeine Content

A cup of Lipton green tea contains 35 milligrams of caffeine. That’s enough to give you a boost of energy but do not leave you feeling jittery or shaky. Moderate caffeine consumption is considered between 200–300 milligrams a day. So the content of caffeine in it is completely fine.

  • Zero Calories

Among other Lipton green tea benefits, it also contains zero calories, which makes it a great addition to your healthy lifestyle. However, there is no need to add milk or sugar in Lipton green tea but you can add lemon or a no calorie sweetener like Stevia to enhance the flavour without adding calories.

  • Packed With Antioxidants

The antioxidants found in green tea may block energy or ingested calories being converted to fat. Blocking fat storage and production may help keep those unwanted pounds away.

  • Hydration

Green tea is usually next to water when it comes to what’s best to keep you hydrated. It also contains natural calming ingredients that may help you improve metabolism and manage stress.

Green tea reduces the levels of low-density lipoprotein which builds up on artery walls. This in turn lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Good in Taste

You will start loving the taste of this green tea brand. Its taste is refreshing and gives calming effect on taste buds.

  • Stress Buster

It works as stress buster by balancing the hormones which cause stress. It also advised for depression patient as it gives calm to your mind.

How to make Lipton Green Tea?

Follow these steps for making delicious Lipton green tea

Things You Will Need: 1. Lipton green tea

2. Hot water

Instructions: 1. Pour 6 to 8 oz of water in a tea pot and boil it. 2. Take an individual cup and place 1 or 2 Lipton green tea bags in it. 3. Pour the boiled water over it. 4. Allow it to steep for at least 2 minutes. 5. Your Lipton green tea is ready. If you want, you may also add few drops of lemon or any natural low-calorie sweetener to it.

Tips to remember while having Lipton Green Tea

Though green tea has lots of health benefits, there are few things that one should remember to reap the maximum benefits of drinking this magical tea. 1. The best time to drink Lipton green tea is 1–2 cups in the morning and 1–2 cups in the evening at night. 2. You can also rotate among the various flavours of the green tea to keep your routine interesting. You can also add lemon or a natural no-calorie sweetener, such as stevia, to enhance green tea’s flavour without adding unwanted calories. 3. Drinking 1–2 cups of green tea one hour prior to exercising may increase your endurance and lower your exertion rate which means that, ultimately, you will work out with a higher intensity. Remember, high-intensity exercise is one of the best ways to attack body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. 4. Drinking 2–4 cups of green tea a day is recommended to see optimal health benefits. Drinking up to 8 cups is considered safe regarding caffeine intake, which for most people should not exceed 400 milligrams per day. 5. If you are regularly drinking green tea to lose weight, you should avoid eating overly processed, high-fat or high-sugar foods. These may negate the benefits.

Precautions while buying Green Tea

It’s important that whatever brand of green tea for weight loss you choose, you look at the ingredients and nutrition label. The best choice is 100% green tea so that you can take advantage of all the weight loss benefits that green tea has to offer. Many of the flavoured brewed teas have been processed more than traditional green tea, which is the least processed of all teas. Adding flavours like mint or pomegranate or berry to green tea decreases the effectiveness of its weight loss benefits.

This just means that while you will still receive some weight loss benefits from Lipton green tea, it is not as significant as what you would receive with all natural green tea leaves.

The good news is that Lipton green tea aids weight loss, so a green tea diet alone will not garner much weight loss success. However, a Lipton green tea regimen combined with a well balanced diet and plenty of physical activity can give your weight loss efforts the boost they need to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Originally published at justdoc.com on November 16, 2016.


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