Soup, Salad, Breadsticks and Harmony

Justin Hall
3 min readSep 28, 2021


My wife could care less about crypto. I still love her dearly despite this flaw but I do yearn for the day she gets as excited as I do about a new bridge coming to Harmony protocol or getting whitelisted on a promising NFT project. Overall though she understands the passive income opportunities that crypto provides and shares the same dream of one day being able to live off of said opportunities. This dream though is still far away for us right now and the lack of tangibility that comes with crypto does nothing to help generate additional excitement.

How can I show this magic internet money is real? I introduce to you Terra gift cards (Twitter: @terra_giftcards). You see I’m a Harmony maxi and after Harmony created the Terra bridge to bring 20% UBI on-chain, I instantly became a LUNAtic as well. During my research of all the projects on Terra, I’ve recently come across Terra gift cards; essentially using Terra’s stablecoin, $UST, to purchase gift cards that can be used in various retailers in the United States.

Their selection is huge. Check it out for yourself at ‘’. Amazon, Wal-Mart, Lululemon and of course Olive Garden are all supported to name a few. I can now use my passive income to literally buy groceries for my family. Viper Swap and Fuzz Finance are two decentralized exchanges on Harmony that allow you to swap $ONE to $UST which then can be bridged over to Terra to help purchase these gift cards.

I recently decided to test it out and low and behold, right on the front page is this….

Support for Harmony protocol is coming soon! Therefore, while swapping to $UST will still be necessary, Harmonauts will no longer need to bridge to Terra.

How does it all work? Well you’re going to need the gift card amount plus $1 plus Tx fees worth of $UST in your wallet. For example, if you want to purchase a $25 gift card from Amazon, you’ll need $26 and some change. Once you add the gift card to your shopping cart, you will need an email address for the gift card to be sent and select the method of payment.

Now while you can connect your wallet or chrome extension, I recommend doing a manual transaction. It provides you a Terra wallet address to send the $UST to and an invoice number to reference in your transaction memo. Terra gift cards is based out of Singapore, so any purchase outside of Singapore business hours will result in you receiving an email stating that the order has been received but wait 1 business day for the gift card to show up in your inbox. You know what to do next.

If your loved one is also struggling with crypto apathy, I highly recommend giving them the gift of love; a Terra gift card to Olive Garden for unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks. After all, being in the crypto community is like being at Olive Garden; when you’re here, you’re family!



Justin Hall

Cryptocurrency enthusiast and passive income seeker who tends to share too much of his personal life.