4 min readMar 3, 2018

Unizon: Mutual Aid Protocol NEW ICO

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Unizon is simply Mutual Aid returning to what insurance is intended to be using blockchain technology.

The issue with insurance today is as follows:

Insurance companies are trusted with assets and or money from a large pool of individuals. In order to be more competitive companies need to spend more money thereby costing more money to the consumer. In a nutshell this makes insurance more expensive to the people that need it.

There’s the cost of various business expenses.

There are external risks. Interest rates and exchange rates for example.

Companies set premiums higher than the mortality rate so the consumer loses.

There is the issue of exemptions where buy payments are not paid because information is emitted due to lack of knowledge or not disclosed for example.

This is just some of what’s wrong with the insurance industry today. I think it’s fair to say most of us are unhappy with our current insurance. We’re not getting the coverage we need. Unizon is here to solve these problems.

Unizon defines insurance as a shared asset made up of individuals supporting each other through mutual aid.

Times are changing. This is the 21st century. It’s time the insurance industry changes with it. Unizon is constructing a mutual aid protocol that has the mobility to respond to the changing needs of today’s consumer.

The big insurance companies lock the flexibility necessary to respond to idiosyncratic needs.

Unizon is going back to the roots of insurance. This is to say Unizon is mutual aid rather than what we think of as insurance.

The Unizon network is a platform where users can designe the insurance best for them. On this network users can create insurance best suited to their needs or join insurance that has been created. This reduces unnecessary business costs and gives users value and protection that they need.

There will be fees collected by Unizon which will be used to expand and maintain the network.

Once operational, there will be advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar insurance companies:

  1. Direct transactions. No agency service fees.
  2. No use of products designed for profitability.
  3. Commission-based Revenue model.

Unizon users are as follows:

  1. Members: people that join plans.
  2. Planners: people that design plans.

Payments of premiums and payouts are all done using the UZN tokens issued by Unizon.

The USD will be the baseline currency.

Payments and receipts will fluctuate however this is necessary to comprehend accurate receipt amounts when stable benefits and premiums are needed.

There will be a conversion function so users can convert to the legal currency of their choice.

Account registration will be easy. Users can set their own KYC (Know Your Customer) levels when joining.

SMS or Social Media verification.

Planners will be furnished with Tools in designing their insurance plans. AI assistance will help planners in designing without the need of high-level expertise.

When enrolled the fund is under escrow. The billing process will be under a third-party auditing agency. Each of these account types will differ.

When required to be trustless, a public and smart contract environment will be implemented.

In the case of billing risks, a permission to blockchain will be implemented in the investigation of fraudulent claims.

The complete blockchain network will use an NoSQL database.

The following graphs are the market share projection:

Here is a summary of Unizon:

  1. Development: plans in limited scope.
  2. Growth: accelerated growth will lead to a variety of types of plans.
  3. Maturity: the expansion of plan types leads to the expansion of users and leads to the expansion of user enrollment.
  4. Expansion: easing of benefits limitations. Freer plan configuration.

The funding needed to get this wonderful program off the ground will come from the crowd token sale:

Of course the sooner you buy in the more profit and of course the faster this wonderful project gets off the ground. I agree with them it’s time to bring insurance back to what it was meant to be.

All graphics used are the property of Unizon.

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Cryptocurrency ICO Economics Bitcoin Classical Liberalism Libertarianism Anarcho-capitalism