Dr. Justin DeGarmo Explains 3 Reasons to Get Routine Preventative Care

Dr. Justin DeGarmo
3 min readJan 22, 2020


If one of your new year’s resolutions is to be healthier, Dr. Justin DeGarmo of Elizabethtown Dentistry says you should schedule a dental exam to start 2020 off on the right foot. Chances are, you’ve heard time and again the importance of seeing your dentist every six months. But why is it so important? Justin DeGarmo and the Elizabethtown Dentistry team explain.

Why Regular Dental Cleanings Are Essential

Limit Decay

Brushing and flossing two to three times a day is crucial to remove debris, bacteria, and plaque from the teeth and gums. However, it is not enough. Plaque, a sticky biofilm, will still build up on the teeth. When it is not mechanically removed by professionals, plaque hardens and forms tartar, which cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. A dental hygienist will use special tools to remove the tartar from the teeth, preventing decay and gum disease.

Prevent Gum Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 50% of adults ages 30 and older have periodontal disease, while over 70% of adults ages 65 and older have the condition. Despite its prevalence, gum disease is highly preventable and treatable in its early stages. A proliferation of bacteria and tartar can cause gingivitis, the early and reversible stage of gum disease which consists of inflammation, swelling, and bleeding. With regular dental cleanings, you are far less likely to have such a buildup of plaque and tartar; moreover, if you do have gingivitis, your dentist can help you treat it. However, if gingivitis is not treated, the bacteria can eat away at gum tissue, resulting in pockets that become infected. Eventually, periodontal disease may result in bone, tissue, and tooth loss. Infection from gum disease can even get into the bloodstream, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Improve Your Smile

A healthy mouth is a beautiful mouth. Seeing your dentist regularly will not only ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, but also that your grin is bright. As part of your dental cleaning, the hygienist will use a paste to polish the tooth enamel. The paste removes minor stains, such as those you may acquire from drinking dark-colored liquids like tea, coffee, and red wine. It also removes tartar, which creates a yellowish film over the teeth. Routine dental cleanings can leave you feeling and looking better and more confident.

More on Dr. Justin DeGarmo

Dr. Justin DeGarmo received a B.S. in Health Sciences at Clemson University and D.M.D. degree at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. Following dental school, Dr. Justin DeGarmo completed a one-year residency in St. Petersburg, FL and earned certification for Advanced Education in General Dentistry through the University of Florida. During his residency, Dr. Justin DeGarmo trained at the Dawson Academy and earned his Fellowship from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

Dr. Justin DeGarmo is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Christian Medical and Dental Association, and the North Carolina Dental Association. Justin DeGarmo is a founding member of the Southeastern Prosthodontic Study Club.

Originally published at https://drjustindegarmo.com on January 22, 2020.



Dr. Justin DeGarmo

Justin DeGarmo is a dentist in Greenville, South Carolina.