Why We Get Stuck in Ruts

Justin P Lambert
Timeless Principles
4 min readJul 3, 2018


This is one in a series of essays that was originally conceived as a book for print publication. If you enjoy it and would like to read more from the collection, you can find a sort of Table of Contents here.

The “human condition” is one of perpetual boredom and mediocrity with occasional fits and starts of brilliance.

That’s not a famous quote, I just made it up myself. But it’s true, and I’ll stake my reputation on it. My own life has been a microcosm of that exact definition. Don’t think I’m being egotistical, either. I really have experienced moments of pure brilliance.

But, like you, and nearly every other human being on this planet, it hardly ever happens. And here’s why:

We’re Procrastinators from the Womb

It’s a simple law of physics: an object at rest tends to stay at rest. And, from the standpoint of taking action to accomplish something of value, we’re all at rest… until we’re not.

Sounds strange, but think about it. As an newborn infant, you slept 16 hours a day. Then, when you woke up, you inevitably became discontented, then miserable because you couldn’t do anything



Justin P Lambert
Timeless Principles

It's complicated… Writer, author, freelancer; Editor of Timeless Principles Magazine, content marketing expert, and purveyor of short fiction. Please enjoy…