Upgrading to OSX Catalina as an Anaconda user

Justin August
1 min readOct 8, 2019


Big news!

There’s a new MacOS out! It brings lots of nice features.

Bad news!

If you’re a user of the Anaconda distribution for Python, Data Analysis and Jupyter Notebooks you may want to wait. Installing Catalina will disable your Anaconda distribution and move the folder from your root directory to a folder on your desktop called Relocated Items.

More details can be found here.

My steps for correcting this were:

  1. Move the anaconda3 folder from Relocated Items/Security to my Home folder. (Hold cmd as you drag to move the folder).
  2. Download the the command line installer for Anaconda3.
  3. Open Terminal.app
  4. Navigate to your Downloads directory (probably cd Downloads)
  5. You must now Authorize Terminal to access this directory.
  6. Make the install script executable with this command
    chmod +x <name of anaconda installer>
  7. Run the installer with the -u option to upgrade an existing Anaconda installation
    ./<name of anaconda installer> -u
  8. Point the installer at your /Users/<username>/anaconda3 folder.
  9. Sit back and relax while it downloads and installs.
  10. Afterwards you’ll need to run these two commands in the Terminal:
    export PATH=’’/Users/<username>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”
    conda init zsh
  11. Restart the Terminal and you should be good!

