Eco-Friendly Mosquito Spray Services: New Eco-Friendly Formula to Save the Planet

J Wayne
5 min readJan 24, 2024


Everyone has questions about the newest trend: eco-friendly mosquito control. Break from the pack and find your answers here! Is it effective? What’s in it? Is it safe?

Eco-friendly mosquito spray is growing in popularity.

At Mosquito Shield, we do eco-friendly control differently than our competitors. It’s proven to be more effective for longer periods of time and comes with a host of benefits:

  • Less than 10-minute application and dries in 15-minutes flat
  • Notice results within 24 hours
  • Begin service the next day
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back

As more and more people switch to an earth-friendly lifestyle they search for new ways to protect the environment. Mosquito spray services are a strong example of a positive response to this new drive.

Eco-Conscious Mosquito Services Doesn’t Have to Mean All-Natural

Most people hear eco-friendly mosquito control and immediately think it’s 100% organic or all natural.

That’s not necessarily the case.

You can be eco-conscious and earth-friendly without being all natural.

To fully understand, we need to bust the myth that eco-friendly means organic mosquito spray.

Traditional Insecticide Overview

Traditional insecticides hold synthetic chemicals that kill any insects which come into contact with it.

It’s still used to this day for its effectiveness in controlling mosquito populations. Nothing has proven to work better.

The red flag on insecticide is the impact it has on the environment.

They’re effective in killing mosquitoes, but also kill other insects that are contacted by the spray and sometimes have adverse effects on greenery.

The environmental impact of bees, butterflies, and foliage dying is hard to justify for the luxury of no mosquitoes.

Risks of Insecticides Can Be Greatly Reduced

Not all insecticide use is bad for the environment.

If the application is done properly you’ll notice minimal changes, if any, to your environment.

If it’s used sparingly, it greatly reduces the risk of beneficial insects coming into contact with it.

This is why it’s heavily stressed to hire a professional if you’re considering insecticides. DIY projects with those kinds of chemicals can turn out disastrous for everyone.

Insecticides Are Necessary for Effective Results

You can repel mosquitoes all you want, the mosquitoes that are on your property aren’t going to leave.

By going with natural mosquito deterrents and repellent techniques the door for them to stay is left wide open.

Insecticides are the killing agent and must be used for effective mosquito control.

However, used properly and sparingly, the effects of insecticides can be greatly minimized.

Organic Mosquito Spray Overview

The mosquito control industry has adapted to the growing cries and created organic and all-natural treatments.

These organic sprays include natural oils derived from plants, organic ingredients, and other biodegradable substances that don’t impact the environment. Most importantly, they don’t include insecticides.

They do well in repelling insects with certain smells and masking your property from mosquito attractants. It’s essentially a natural mosquito repellent placed on your property.

However, the lack of insecticides means it doesn’t kill mosquitoes nearly as well. The mosquitoes that are already on your property will stay and continue to breed.

Seeing this problem unfold, a new solution has been brought to light.

Eco-Friendly Mosquito Spray Services at Mosquito Shield

Natural oils and substances will be used by any competitor that claims to have eco-friendly mosquito spray.

Insecticides are being dumped on by anybody who doesn’t make that claim.

At Mosquito Shield, we’ve found an effective middle ground: eco-friendly mosquito treatment methods. Our Mosquito Protection Blend (MPB) is made up primarily of natural oils and substances with a hint of insecticide.

Mosquito Protection Blend that Kills, Masks, and Repels

Over 20-years of field testing and scientific research has gone into our proprietary mosquito protection formula.

With an industry-leading 80%+ retention rate, the results speak for themselves. People like what we’re doing because it’s both eco-friendly and effective.

We’re not dumping 100% insecticide on your property because we’ve discovered it’s not necessary. The proper blend and makeup of natural ingredients and a dash of insecticide gets the job done.

Natural Oils Repel and Mask Mosquitoes

Non-toxic mosquito management is necessary.

The aromas that repel mosquitoes and mask attractants are far too valuable to be left out. The eco mosquito barrier they create is what allows for such minimal use of insecticides.

Killing what’s on your property won’t make a difference if more mosquitoes continue to fly in. You’ll continue to have mosquito problems, it would just be a new problem after each service.

However, the natural substances aren’t effective against mosquitoes that are already there.

Insecticides Kill Mosquitoes

Mosquito control without chemicals just doesn’t cut it.

The tiny bit of insecticide we’ve allowed in our formula is controlled and applied by professionals. The mosquitoes that are sprayed will die on contact. Because of the proper application and sparing use, any risk posed by insecticides is greatly reduced.

Because our proprietary formula dries in 15-minutes or less, it’s even less likely that beneficial insects come into contact while it’s active. Other formulas take 30-minutes or more on average to dry and double the risk of contact for no reason.

Sustainable Mosquito Prevention

At the end of the day, there’s now eco-conscious mosquito services that actually work.

Since 2011, we’ve been finding new ways to take a green approach to mosquito management. We listened to our clients and worked hard to provide them what they needed.

Now, you can take advantage of the innovative breakthrough and start your eco-friendly mosquito treatments.

Call today to begin service as soon as tomorrow.

