3 YouTube Ad Ideas Any Business Can Use Tomorrow

Justin Brooke
5 min readJul 6, 2022
Photo by CardMapr.nl on Unsplash

Are you struggling to think of a “killer idea” for your Youtube ad?

Something that will get attention, keep attention, AND sell the click?

Here’s 3 ideas you should try ASAP!

Idea #1: The Whiteboard Revealer

This is a trick that I borrowed from Brendan Burchard.

What he does is a standard “3 points” presentation. Which just means you’re going to talk about one topic with 3 main points. Think back to English class, the 5 paragraph essay.

  1. Intro
  2. Point #1
  3. Point #2
  4. Point #3
  5. Outro

Easy peasy… BUT… one trick to make this work like gangbusters!

You must have 3 sheets of paper hanging on a whiteboard behind you. This is going to make you look like a teacher. Instant credibility.

The sheets of paper hanging behind you should be 1.) colorful so they stand out 2.) numbered 1, 2, & 3, and finally 3.) some word or picture drawn behind the piece of paper that will be revealed.

These sheets of paper are going to trigger your viewers’ curiosity. They’ll want to stick around, at least to see what’s under the first sheet. SO MAKE…



Justin Brooke

Spent $10MM+ on ads, acquired 50K+ customers for my clients, now founder of http://www.AdSkills.com