The Genius Pixel: How To Train Ad Networks To Give You A LOT More ROI

Justin Brooke
14 min readJan 3, 2019

Clicks aren’t getting cheaper…

But tactics have evolved to still get a decent return on paid ads, read on to learn how.

__________________________________________________________________TL;DR: By training your ad network pixels to find you exactly the kind of leads or customers you want, you can substantially increase ad ROI. Mainly speaking about Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Google ads.

This year marks the 10th year I’ve been running FB ads and 12th year running Google ads. In that time I’ve managed over $10,000,000 in ad spend

Things have changed, and the future is clearly about “data.”

Which leads me to “The Genius Pixel.”

If you’re in ecom, lead gen, SaaS, affiliate marketing, digital courses, or selling services, and you use Facebook or Google ads, then a “genius pixel” should be your ultimate goal.

10 years ago when we ran FB ads there was no newsfeed ads. There was just tiny right hand sidebar ads, nothing like the ones today. Also, there wasn’t Youtube ads and Instagram wasn’t even around.



Justin Brooke

Spent $10MM+ on ads, acquired 50K+ customers for my clients, now founder of