What Marketers Should Learn From CoinBase QR Code Super Bowl Ad

Justin Brooke
7 min readMar 29, 2022

Over 20 million people visited Coinbase’s landing page in a single minute after its floating QR code.

Most people have written off QR codes.

However, there are 3 major events that have resurrected QR codes. It’s hard to deny the success of the CoinBase QR code ad.

Here’s what Protocol.com had to say about it…

“Over 20 million people visited Coinbase’s landing page in a single minute after its floating QR code captivated every Super Bowl viewer on Sunday, the company said. And the crypto industry’s advertising push has apparently only just begun.”

But wait, before we consider that as proof, let’s look at a few events which made that possible.

Smartphones Have Now Paved The Way For QR code Adoption

This was the most necessary technological advancement that had to take place for QR codes to become “a thing” in society. It’s been this way for years over in China, and there was always too much friction with downloading a specific QR reader app previously.

People hardly like to even click a link, let alone go search for, choose, download, install, and open a new app they’ve never used before just to maybe see a link they like.



Justin Brooke

Spent $10MM+ on ads, acquired 50K+ customers for my clients, now founder of http://www.AdSkills.com