Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Justine El-Hage
3 min readFeb 12, 2019


Example of Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination towards visible minorities such as Arabs, Asians, Latinos, and Blacks exist in most of their daily lives not only in the workplace. Discriminations towards aboriginals also exist in Canada. While many Canadian organizations and even the Canadian Government try to adjust this problem, discrimination and racism still do exists everywhere.

According to the Canada Spencer Stuart Index Board, 1.7% of all directors on Canadians boards are visible minorities; however, according to the research survey, companies do not accept visible minorities to their boards.

There is actually a gap that exists between organizations’ judgment on reality and the talent circle meaning that organizations are just overthinking and overexaggerating the talent they want.

Even if there are still problems with job opportunities for visible minorities, the Canadian Task Force has released an Action plan aiming to increase the presence of visible minorities in the federal Public Service.

Public sectors of work are much better at hiring visible minorities; however, private sectors lack the ability to hire non-white individuals among their work considering they are not observed by anyone such as the government.

One important thing to know is that visible minorities face discrimination, stereotypes, and racism towards their skills and qualities towards their work by their co-workers in which is causes detachment, alienation, and dislike of their work which is very unfortunate.

The reasons why visible minorities do not file complaints most of the time because they believed it wouldn’t make a difference, they are afraid of the consequences from their bosses and they have concerns about the process of the complaint

Even though racial immigrants offer many resources to a country’s life and its politics, visible minorities will still face exploitation, violence, and human trafficking.

Although the color-blind theory says there shouldn’t be any discrimination between races considering races don’t exist, many companies still practice racism and discriminations while others have stopped.

Taking this into consideration, an organization was created to promote the ability of immigrants to have equal rights and to fight against immigrants human trafficking. This organization is called The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

Many people speak up for the rights of visible minorities such as Madame Robillard. She said that everyone needs to work hard on making the Public Service of Canada more representative of the Canadian population, meaning the government should employ all ethnicity in the workplace.

Other organizations such as the multiculturalism Program equal and complete participation of companies and individuals to assist in the defeat of barriers that exclude visible minorities from certain activities and resources.

People such as Giorgio Mammoliti are the people who not only help immigrants but also encourage them to help others like them. Giorgio Mammoliti opened an office at Toronto city hall to accept newcomers, help them pass through their change and help them adapt to Toronto’s social environment.

Visible minorities have also created discussion groups to discuss barriers they face and most importantly to discuss their identity and what they represent in the society. This group does help them face their barriers once they are in the real world.

Don’t be afraid to speak up and make a change. Your voice is what matters.

