Justine Jacob
2 min readNov 22, 2022


A Special Person In Your Life

Most of us have a special person who played a major role in steering the course of our life.

He might be a friend, relative, mentor, teacher, priest or counsellor.

I am not considering our parents, who are an indispensable part of our life.

Most of the time these people advised and guided us during the dark days of our life.

Maybe you had no idea what to do just after finishing the 10+2 examinations.

This special person sat with you for hours and helped you to discern the subject you have to choose for graduation or higher studies.

At other times, when it was difficult to find a job, the special person in your life took the initiative to recommend you for a suitable job.

For some others, the special person interfered and helped to solve your family problems.

Some of us think that we can pay back monetarily to those people who helped us.

But the truth is that more than 80 per cent of people help and play a pivotal role in our life out of pure love and not for monetary benefits.

I would recommend you show love and affection to these special people in your life by phoning them at least once a month and enquiring about their health and well-being.

Another way of showing gratitude is to give gifts to them during special occasions like a birthday, wedding anniversary etc.

My dad while working in Bombay, at the beginning of his career sent money every month to his younger brother Lawrence Mathews for paying fees for his college studies.

Let me tell you that this younger brother of my dad, shows his gratitude to our family in many ways even now ie. after 50 years.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.