A Write-Up On “The Art Of War.”

War is evil, but is often the lesser evil

Justine Jacob
3 min readFeb 13, 2023

The Art of War is a treatise on military strategy written by Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher, over 2,500 years ago. Despite its ancient origins, The Art of War remains widely read and studied today, as its principles have proven to be timeless and applicable to not only military strategy, but also business, sports, and life in general.

At its core, The Art of War is a guide to winning battles and achieving victory. Sun Tzu believed that victory could be achieved through careful planning, cunning strategy, and effective leadership, rather than simply relying on brute force. He argued that success in war was not just a matter of strength and numbers, but also of intelligence, psychology, and logistics.

The Idea Of Knowing Yourself And Knowing Your Enemy

One of the key principles of The Art of War is the idea of “knowing yourself and knowing your enemy.” Sun Tzu believed that a commander must have a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of their enemy. This includes knowledge of the enemy's tactics, motivations, and resources. By knowing yourself and your enemy, you can identify opportunities to exploit your enemy's weaknesses and avoid their strengths.

Flexibility And Adaptability

Another important principle is the idea of flexibility and adaptability. Sun Tzu believed that the best military strategies are those that can adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield. He argued that a commander must be able to adjust their plans quickly and effectively in response to new developments and that a rigid and inflexible approach was likely to lead to defeat.

Deception And Element Of Surprise In Warfare

Sun Tzu also emphasized the importance of deception and surprise in military strategy. He believed that the best way to achieve victory was to catch the enemy off guard, either by appearing in unexpected places or by making sudden, unexpected moves. This could be achieved through clever use of camouflage, disinformation, or psychological warfare, as well as by taking advantage of the enemy's weaknesses and misperceptions.

Minimal Force To Achieve Maximum Effect

Another key principle of The Art of War is the idea of using minimal force to achieve maximum effect. Sun Tzu believed that a commander should strive to win battles with the least possible cost in terms of lives and resources. He argued that this could be achieved by using smart and efficient tactics, such as attacking the enemy's weak points, exploiting their vulnerabilities, and avoiding confrontation whenever possible.

Leadership And Psychology Of War

In addition to its principles of strategy, The Art of War also contains valuable insights into leadership and the psychology of war. Sun Tzu believed that a successful commander must be able to inspire and motivate their troops and that they must have the ability to read and understand the minds of their enemies. He also emphasized the importance of developing a strong and unified team, where everyone is working together towards a common goal.


The Art of War remains one of the most influential works on military strategy and leadership, and its principles continue to be studied and applied in a wide range of fields. Whether you are a business executive, a sports coach, or a military commander, the lessons of Sun Tzu can help you achieve success and overcome adversity. Its timeless wisdom and practical advice make it a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of strategy, leadership, and the art of war.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.