The Supernatural Gift Of Wisdom

Justine Jacob
3 min readFeb 28, 2023

According to Christian theology, the gift of wisdom is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is considered a supernatural ability to discern God’s will and to see the world as God sees it. Here are some details about the gift of wisdom:

Definition: The gift of wisdom is the ability to see things from God’s perspective and to understand the world as He does. It is a supernatural ability that allows one to make decisions and choices that align with God’s will.

Biblical Basis: The gift of wisdom is mentioned in several passages in the Bible, including Isaiah 11:2–3, which is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, and James 1:5, which encourages believers to ask God for wisdom.

Characteristics: Those who possess the gift of wisdom are said to be able to see the big picture and understand how all the pieces fit together. They can discern what is true and what is false and make wise decisions based on that understanding. They also have a deep reverence for God and a desire to live a life that honours Him.

Benefits: The gift of wisdom enables individuals to navigate complex situations with clarity and insight. It also helps them to make decisions that are in line with God’s will and to avoid making harmful choices that could lead to negative consequences. Additionally, those who possess the gift of wisdom are often sought out for their counsel and advice.

How to receive it: The gift of wisdom is considered a gift of the Holy Spirit, and as such, it is not something that can be earned or achieved through human effort. However, Christians believe that they can ask God for the gift of wisdom through prayer and that it can be received through faith. One thing to be always remembered is that only a person with great humility, love and forgiveness will have the gift of wisdom.

There is a famous story in the Holy Bible that showcases the gift of wisdom. The story of King Solomon and the two women who claimed to be the mother of the same baby.

Wisdom of King Solomon

According to the story in 1 Kings 3:16–28, two women came before King Solomon, both claiming to be the mother of a baby. They had given birth to babies at around the same time, and one of the babies had died. The living baby was the subject of their dispute.

King Solomon, known for his wisdom, ordered the baby to be brought to him and suggested that they divide the baby in half, giving each woman half of the child. One of the women agreed to this solution, while the other begged King Solomon to spare the child’s life and give it to the other woman.

Solomon immediately saw through the deceit of the woman who agreed to divide the child and declared that the woman who begged for the child’s life was the true mother, as she was willing to give up the child to save its life. This decision demonstrated Solomon’s great wisdom and brought him great renown throughout the land.

In summary, the gift of wisdom is a supernatural ability that allows individuals to discern God’s will and to make wise choices that align with His plan. It is considered a valuable gift that can help individuals navigate complex situations with clarity and insight to come out with solutions to the vexing problems of the church and society.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.