Justine Jacob
2 min readNov 14, 2022


When Did You Last Help A Poor Man?

Every day morning I come to the riverside a kilometre away from my home. I spent an hour in total silence, completely shut from the disturbances of the world.

There are a few huts near the riverside. One day a person from one of these huts came to me and begged for some money to buy food to fill his hunger. I asked about his whereabouts and he told me that he is alone, unmarried without any relatives. He was living in a makeshift arrangement for the past three years. He was very sick and cannot do any job.

I inquired with a few people living nearby and confirmed that he was saying the truth. One person told me that, once in a while he drinks alcohol from the local bar. This made me think that if I gave him the money he might use it to drink alcohol.

Hence I made arrangements with a local restaurant nearby to give him afternoon meals five days a month. It costs me Rs.50 a meal.

I am doing this act of mercy for the past six months. I mentioned this matter to you not to impress my character but to encourage you to help the poor people living in your surroundings.

Many people have an attitude that most beggars don't deserve any money because they are lying about their pathetic situation to gain sympathy from others. But why don't you enquire about their details and if found true what they say, help these poor beings with money, food or things? Of course, you need to put in a little effort to find these poor people's details.

I advise everyone to give tithe or 10 per cent of their monthly income to the poor and needy people of the society.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.