Justin Lumiere races #43 NASCAR at the Homestead-Miami

Justin Lumiere
2 min readJun 2, 2020


Justin Lumiere races #43 NASCAR at the Homestead-Miami Speedway on January 11, 2019. The weather was perfect. It was a little humid in the flame-retardant suit and full-face helmet but the day was blessed with no rain. At 6’1” 215lbs, it was a tight squeeze for Justin Lumiere into the box. Once in the car the neck and body are affixed into place. As you set into your new restricted quarters, the biggest fear is turning over and having to wait for help to pull you from the car.

The tower radioed into the car to guide Justin Lumiere on his maiden voyage on this track. You have to take the car high up in the track just before the turns. Justin Lumiere took the first couple of laps cautiously, but once he felt how well he could control the car he took it up to 5,000 RPM.

These cars do not have a speedometer, so Justin Lumiere was thrilled to learn that on the straightaway, he was clocked in at a mildly impressive142.81 Miles Per Hour. What an exhilarating feeling.

This adrenaline-charged experience is not for the faint of heart. Next up, Justin Lumiere will be taking to the track aboard a single-seat, open cockpit, open-wheel, “Indy car”.



Justin Lumiere

Justin Lumiere was born and raised in Manhattan in New York City. He attended the Lycee Francais de New York and then the Kent School in Kent CT.