Launch Your Blog on Google Cloud

Justin Monteza
4 min readSep 4, 2017


Do you ever think of launching a blog? But have no idea where to start. You can launch your own on Google Cloud. And it’s so easy and affordable. I’ll walk you through step by step to make your beautiful writing published online in less than 30 minutes.

Setting up

  • Your Google account with payment information
  • Your own domain name

Creating your blog

  • Click the left-hand side navigation bar and select Cloud Launcher under Products.
  • On the Cloud Launcher Page, search for WordPress.
  • Pick WordPress Certified by Bitnami.
  • Click Launch on Compute Engine.
  • Wait for the initialisation.
  • Once it’s done, you’re asked to configure the settings.
  • Set your deployment name (only lowercase, numbers, and dashes), set your zone (us-central1-f), pick your machine type (micro) and leave the default disk type and disk size.
  • Make sure not to change anything in the networking settings.
  • Click Deploy.
  • Wait for the deployment process.
  • Once it’s done, go to the right hand side of your screen, and click Log into the admin panel.
Don’t worry, login information has been redacted :)
  • Log in to your account using the information given to you above.
  • Your username or email address is the same as your admin user while your password is your admin password.
  • Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard
If you’re familiar with WordPress, the following steps will be easy for you.
  • Click Pages and make a new page. Hit publish.
  • Under Appearance, select Themes, and you can choose the theme that you like. You can also install your own theme by clicking Add New.
  • Under Appearance, you can also customize your menu as well as your social links. After your changes, make sure to hit save menu.
  • Now, it’s ready to go. But you have to set up your domain to be able to share it t0 your friends and family.
  • If you need help with anything about WordPress, check out their Support.

The exciting part, your domain

Before anything else, have your domain verified by going to Google Webmaster Central and adding your domain as your property.

Add your domain to be able to use it on Google Cloud
  • Go to your DNS Management
  • Create an A record that points to the IP Address of your blog. Hit Save.
  • Points to Site address (IP Address of your Blog).
Note: I’m using a subdomain ( for this demo.
  • Once done, type in your domain, and Welcome to your Blog!
If it does not show up, double check your A records and make sure the IP Address matches the one from your blog.


If you prefer other content management systems, you can choose from their offerings. They have 57 CMS as of this writing.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you learned something from this guide. I’ll be more happy to see your blog.

Happy writing! 🖋️

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