Karma’s a B*&^h, So Get Used to It

The Timeless Principle of Reciprocity

Justin P Lambert
Timeless Principles


This is one in a series of essays that was originally conceived as a book for print publication. If you enjoy it and would like to read more from the collection, you can find a sort of Table of Contents here.

Some people call it karma. Others cite the “ripple effect” or reciprocity. Whatever buzzword or tagline you choose, the bottom line is simply this: What you do has a tendency to come back to you in one way or another.

Do I believe some mysterious cosmic force is at work here? No, not really. As I’ve mentioned before, I am a very religious person and I happen to believe in the concept of being rewarded for living well. But that’s not what we’re discussing here.

This is plain old common sense stuff. Here’s how it works:

You’re a jerk.

If that’s true, you can expect others to treat you rotten. And, interestingly, jerks tend to assume they’re perfectly normal because it seems like everyone is exactly like them.

Funny how that works.



Justin P Lambert
Timeless Principles

It's complicated… Writer, author, freelancer; Editor of Timeless Principles Magazine, content marketing expert, and purveyor of short fiction. Please enjoy…