Justin David
3 min readJul 26, 2023

The past made the present what it is

Instead of refraining from it reference it and learn from it

Evolution of a work desk, How far we have come

Socrates said “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.

Technology is changing, evolving and growing at an exponentially fast rate not just in the technology sector but others as well. These sectors would further go on to include; Agriculture, Finance, Education and many others as well. Dating back to Apple’s launch of their first iPhone (iPhone 1st generation) in June 29 2007, one which stood at a 480x320 pixel resolution, a 3.5-inch screen with a 2-megapixel camera, plus 4 GB and 8 GB storage options and measly internet capabilities. One could say it was the main event or as we’d love to say ‘The Latest Trend’.

Yes, all is in the past and time is an ever-rolling stream but we as Developers, Designers, Analysts and many others in every sector can affirm that the past can teach us a lot about the future and as well predict it. As a Data Analyst I say “No past data is useless or wasted”, some would say redundant, but is it? As a saying goes “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it” Is very true in the days of each and every one of us working in the Tech industry. We all say Oh, it’s just a bug it won’t happen again, and then we close, say it’s all in a day’s work share hugs, yet little checks would have been better for you and us, could solve a massive problem but most would look and pass yet what did they all say “It’s in the Past sounds funny right? but it’s just a fact. Everyone wants to move fast but no one wants to take the time and look back and ask where did this all start. .

Anyone reading this might say that sometimes it might be obsolete or outdated but Henry Ford’s famous quote, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” This quote emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs of obsolescence and thinking beyond existing norms.

Henry Ford and the first car

While horse-drawn carriages were the conventional mode of transportation in his time, Henry Ford saw the potential for a more efficient and effective means of transportation, leading to the mass production of automobiles. Went on to creating a car but without a reverse gear? Just pause for a minute and think about a car without a reverse gear. Later on Carl Benz worked on one with it and apart from saying obsolete. Ideas, caution and innovation are born from past events. Henry Ford Said “The only mistake we make is the one we learn nothing” The call might not be for all but do not forget the past rather learn from it to better the future because

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”

–George Santayana

Justin David

Technical Writer | web 3 enthusiast |Web developer | Data Scientist | Critical Thinker