Javascript Object Cloning: Shallow Copies in {…x}

Justin Tulk
1 min readJan 2, 2017

Here’s something that I learned today by digging into the links on Mark Erikson’s excellent comment on my post re: Adding/Editing/Removing items in an array.

The new Javascript spread operator (i.e. Object.assign) for objects const a = {...b} only makes shallow copies of those objects. From the Redux docs:

function updateNestedState(state, action) {
// Problem: this only does a shallow copy!
let newState = {...state};

// ERROR: nestedState is still the same object!
newState.nestedState.nestedField =;

return newState;

It looks like for a variety of reasons deep cloning is a non-trivial task, and there aren’t any easy hacks that don’t have some serious limitations. For example, the JSON hack…

let newState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state))

… will dump the prototype chain and any methods on the object (according to this). And while I haven’t done anything more than some non-scientific browser testing using on small test objects, it also seems like performance degrades somewhat linearly with the complexity of the object.

I imagine this is one of those problems Immutable.js solves.



Justin Tulk

Staff Software Engineer. Making computers do stuff since 2011.