Justi Prabu
4 min readSep 20, 2023

Freelancing for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Start Freelancing

Discover how to kickstart your freelance career with our comprehensive guide. Learn the ropes, create a winning portfolio, and succeed as a freelancer.


Are you new to freelancing and eager to get started? This comprehensive guide is tailored for beginners and intermediates aiming to dive into the world of freelancing. Whether you’re a novice or have some basic knowledge, this content is here to simplify your journey.

A few years ago, my curiosity about the term “FREELANCER” was piqued by my sister, a Fashion Technology graduate working with prestigious brands. She juggled freelancing projects alongside her job. At first, I thought she was working for free to enhance her skills, but I later realized the essence of freelancing. Let me share my journey of discovery and the insights I’ve gathered from various sources.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing involves working independently, offering your skills or services to clients or companies on a project-by-project basis. Instead of being a full-time employee, you become self-employed, with the freedom to choose the projects that resonate with you. Freelancing spans various domains, from writing, editing, and design to development, marketing, and beyond. It’s a versatile avenue to generate income on your own terms.

You are Your Own Boss:

One of the foremost advantages of freelancing is the flexibility it offers. You can set your own working hours, operate from anywhere, and establish your pricing structure. Even if you’re currently employed, you can utilize your free time, ethically and within your company’s guidelines, to leverage your skills and passion for supplementary income.

What Makes You a Freelancer?

In simple terms, your proficiency and deep understanding of your chosen field define you as a freelancer. Embrace the journey with confidence; it’s not as daunting as it may seem. Passion for learning and embracing new technologies is your key.

My advice: focus on one skill at a time, showcase your progress through projects across various platforms, and, when you feel competent, proceed to the next steps.

skill and knowledge

Create a portfolio:

There are many freelancing platforms. Join freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Create a portfolio of yours. Your portfolio is a showcase of your work. It’s important to have a strong portfolio that demonstrates your skills and experience. If you’re new to freelancing, you can include personal projects or volunteer work in your portfolio.


Key points:

Highlight your skills and strengths, specifying the services you offer, such as writing, graphic design, coding, or other specialized areas. Specialization can help you stand out in a competitive market.

Set your rates:

How much should you charge for your services? There are a few factors to consider, such as your experience, the value you bring to clients, and the rates charged by other freelancers in your niche.

Apply for Jobs:

Applying for Jobs Begin applying for projects that align with your skills. Tailor your proposals for each job, showcasing your suitability. In the early stages, consider lowering your bids without compromising on quality; securing initial projects is your primary objective.

Delivering Quality Work Once hired, clarify project details before commencing work. Punctuality and exceeding client expectations are your best allies for building a solid reputation, as client ratings are vital for securing future projects.

Market Yourself:

Marketing Yourself Promote your services through social media, a personal website, or networking to attract clients. The key to success lies in staying updated with industry trends, mastering new tools, and efficiently delivering innovative solutions.

Conclusion: Join the thriving community of freelancers, embrace the journey, and achieve your dreams. With determination and the right guidance, you can excel in the world of freelancing.

Wishing you a successful freelancing journey filled with passion and dedication.

With wishes and love,


Justi Prabu

Am a Passionate writer exploring diverse content( LIFE | PSYCHOLOGY | BUSINESS | EARNINGS ) to entertain and educate readers through my storytelling skills.