Justi Prabu
4 min readOct 30, 2023

Pen and Plate: A Writer’s Responsibility in Reducing Food Waste

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, I participated in a contest focused on generating ideas to reduce food wastage in households. I dedicated many hours to collecting statistical reports and factual information on food wastage, putting in considerable effort to formulate a viable concept for this ideation project.

Once I submitted my entry, I realized that I should not just store all this valuable data in my drive. Instead, I aim to present it to you for your consideration.

As responsible writers, we are responsible for sharing our perspectives, providing valuable insights for personal growth, introducing useful tools and platforms for the benefit of our audience, and transforming our ideas into actionable steps that can improve lives.

Writers hold the power to create magic, fostering positive change and inspiring revolutions, even sparking movements for freedom.

With this sense of pride comes an additional responsibility. A significant task lies before us, and it’s crucial that everyone actively participates in this process so that together, we can bring about a revolutionary change.

The first step in this mission is to minimize food wastage, with the ultimate goal being zero food wastage.

You might wonder, why should you participate.

Let’s delve into some shocking facts and statistics.

According to the United Nations, a staggering 17% of the world’s total food production goes to waste each year, equating to an astonishing 1.03 billion tons of wasted food.

To put this into perspective, that’s roughly equivalent to the weight of 2,823 Empire State Buildings.

This massive food waste has severe environmental consequences. If food waste were a nation, it would rank as the third-highest national emitter of greenhouse gases, trailing only the United States and China.

On average, people waste 25% of the food they purchase, and a staggering 45% of all grown fruit ends up discarded. In a typical household of four, between $1,350 and $2,275 worth of food is thrown away annually.

Food waste is not just about discarding food in the trash; it leads to water pollution, air pollution, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and more.

A 2023 study published in the journal Nature Sustainability revealed that food waste is a significant driver of global biodiversity loss, responsible for 8% of all human-induced extinctions.

Another study in Environmental Research Letters in 2023 found that food waste is a major contributor to global water pollution, accounting for 24% of all agricultural water pollution.

Additionally, a study in Food Policy estimated that if just one-quarter of the food wasted annually could be saved, it would be enough to feed 2 billion people.

Recent research papers emphasize the need for action:

A 2023 research paper submitted to the journal Science Advances revealed that food waste is a substantial driver of global deforestation, responsible for 11% of all deforestation.

A paper submitted to the journal Nature Food in 2023 found that food waste is a significant contributor to global climate change, accounting for 6% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.

A 2023 research paper submitted to the journal Environmental Science & Technology found that food waste is a major contributor to global ocean acidification, responsible for 10% of all human-induced ocean acidification.

The importance of addressing food wastage is evident. With so many people, especially children, suffering from hunger in a world where one-third of the food goes to waste, it’s imperative that we act.

Photo by bill wegener on Unsplash

Each of us is responsible for reducing hunger. Even a mere 15 grams of food waste per person per day adds up to a significant portion of the problem.

We don’t need to donate or distribute food to alleviate hunger. Taking responsibility and controlling food wastage in our own homes can be sufficient to feed those in need.

So, what can you do? Here are some simple steps to follow:

Create a proper budget for food purchases.

Plan your meals for the week, utilizing the items you already have.

Consume the right quantity of food with maximum quality.

Ensure that food is stored and preserved correctly.

By following these steps and raising awareness about the consequences of food wastage, we can collectively work towards reducing this critical issue and making the world a better place.

Best Wishes


Justi Prabu

Am a Passionate writer exploring diverse content( LIFE | PSYCHOLOGY | BUSINESS | EARNINGS ) to entertain and educate readers through my storytelling skills.