An Interview with a Hate Leader

3 min readMar 30, 2020


Interview with Tom Metzger

Meet Thomas Metzger- American white supremacist, skin head leader, former Klansman, and founder of the White Aryan Resistance organization, also known by its almost too perfect acronym of WAR. I reached out to the former KKK Grand Dragon, and he was willing to answer my questions. Unlike my interview with Heaven’s Gate, where the answers I received were vague at best, Tom was blunt and unapologetic in his answers, and in our correspondence leading up to his answering my questions, he wasted no time with chitchat.

Without further delay, here is my interview with one of America’s best known racist leaders.

I asked Tom several questions, and he noticeably didn’t answer those regarding the Klan. I can’t say for certain if this was intentional or not, but I’ll include them nonetheless.

What were your original goals when you started out on your career as a ‘white activist’?

[No answer]

Can you tell me about your experience as a member of the Klan?

[No answer]

What does it take to become a Klan Grand Dragon?

[No answer]

You’ve been described as ‘one of the most notorious living white supremacists in the United States.’ Do you agree with the use of the word notorious and the negative connotation it entails?

It depends on whose interpretation of notorious [is used]. Actually, I live a pretty much normal middle-class white family life.

You’ve made your opposition towards immigration clear over the years. Where do you think this ideology originated?

It began in ancient times with the desire for racial cultural separation with strong borders.

As more ‘liberal’ ways of thinking become popular in the world, how do you hold onto your beliefs, many of which are condemned by the masses?

Liberal has lost its meaning, there’s not many liberals around anymore. The masses [do] not compute with me. Unless [they’re] polling each individual person at [their] front door. The masses are simply the desires of the ruling class falsely attributed to the public in many cases. Example, you are led to believe the masses are supportive of ongoing wars but when ever is there a plebiscite on the issue of war.

What do you think of the direction the world seems to be heading?

Autocracy, the corporate state, military-industrial complex dictatorship.

What are your hopes for the future of the White Aryan Resistance organization?

Most people including yourself are victims of the media. If they use a term like neo-Nazi the public falls right into line and calls everybody a neo-Nazi they don’t like. I’ve never been a Nazi even though I may have some respect for the original philosophy of national socialism represented by people like Gregor and Otto Strasser. I can assure you if I [had] been living in the 30s and 40s I would’ve been in a concentration camp too. Because I’m a freethinker. I allow no one to interfere with my thinking or my opinion.

Why do you think you feel such a negative way towards people of different ethnicities than you?

You seem to be a product of so-called modern education. I am a racial separatist which I believe is in the best interest of mankind. It doesn’t follow that I am automatically the enemy of other races. Just the opposite racial and cultural separation is a positive outlook. Racial and cultural division and tribalism is true to natural evolution.

How are you as an individual and the Klan as a whole dealing with the current Covid-19 pandemic?

I can only speak for myself. White Aryan resistance is not represented dictatorship. I follow common sense rules. I avoid government induced panic thinking. I pretty much follow the philosophy expressed in the book THE CROWD by GUSTAVE LABONNE.

