Deploy A Docker Container Free (on Heroku)

Justin Krup
2 min readMar 31, 2019


I was a big fan of V1, in particular for the ability to deploy any Docker container to a public URL (with some restrictions) starting at $0!

There’s a tremendous amount of utility in being able to deploy any arbitrary application for free. Many hobbies or side-projects don’t warrant monthly costs, and run in a unique way. Making Docker support a great way of covering many use cases. Get your app running in a docker container, and you can deploy it.

Unfortunately, Now is deprecating their V1 and arbitrary docker container support. So for those who want the ability to quickly get a Docker container up and running on a public URL, I want to share a solution using Heroku.


If you want to follow along you’ll need a Heroku account and the following:

Deploying the App

If you already have a repo with a Dockerfile you can just hop in that repo, but I’ll be demonstrating this using a super tiny ExpressJS example (source available here:

In a fresh directory we want to install ExpressJS.

Alternatively feel free to git clone and skip a few steps.

Then we’ll make an index.js for our server application code. That runs a server on a port specified by the PORT env variable.

Mostly copied from, but notice the port variable

Now let’s make a Dockerfile for this app.

First make sure you’re logged in Heroku on the CLI with a heroku login (you won’t need to do this every time, but just once to make sure you’re logged in).

Then run the following:

heroku container:login
heroku create
heroku container:push -a APP_NAME
heroku container:release -a APP_NAME
  • heroku container:login logs you into the container aspect of Heroku. Or something like that, I think? I’m not super sure why it’s necessary if you’re already heroku login'd to be honest, but I got an error and running that fixed it.
  • After running heroku create that should give you a url the APP_NAME in that case is stark-temple-72071.
  • heroku container:push builds the docker container locally and pushes the image to Heroku so it has it. Note this step will probably take the longest.
  • Finally heroku container:release tells Heroku to release that container to the world.

And we’re done! The app should be up at

Making it Easier?

If don’t want to spend the rest of your days re-googling this post to remember the exact steps you need to do, then lucky for you I made an npm package that just runs those 4 commands for you.

So instead of typing out heroku container:..., once you npm i -g docker-up you can just do docker-up or docker-up --update to push a new version on the same appname, rather than heroku create a new Heroku app/URL.



Justin Krup

Full-Stack Web • Deployments • Docker • Unity3D • Entrepreneur • 中文 • 日本語