Dear Future Wife

Jay M
3 min readNov 21, 2017

Dear Future Wife,

That was a weird word to write. Wife. W-I-F-E. Wiiiiiiffffffeeee. That really doesn’t roll of the tongue, does it? I guess we have a lifetime for me to get over that or find a different word. So here we are. Committed to being together for life. Cool. I assume we’re in love and have been together long enough to know one another’s flaws and shortcomings. And even still, we have looked those flaws in the eye and realized we love one another fully.

It’s safe to bet that since you said “I do” to a life with me you are already aware of some of my obnoxious traits. Like the fact that I leave my socks everywhere; in the couch cushions, in the hallway, 2 inches away from the hamper — and yet still not in the hamper. And you know that I never am able to finish a beverage, even those tiny bottles of Dr. Pepper you buy me. You have by this time surely observed that I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle of the tube and often lose the cap within the first week of ownership. It’s probably also come to your attention that I snore loudly and sometimes in sync with my dog’s even louder snoring. I can imagine we’ve had a few arguments about my short attention span and my habit of quickly bouncing between subjects. And you’ve without a doubt observed even more annoying traits of mine. And still, you love me, and want to take on this life with me and my less attractive qualities by your…



Jay M

awkward trans man trying to do better each day. Writer, LGBTQ+ activist, bourbon drinker, & teller of bad dad-jokes.