Optimizing Integration Performance: Implementing Custom Monitoring and Graphing in MuleSoft

5 min readFeb 27, 2024


In current dynamic business landscape, the ability to monitor and analyze integration performance is crucial for driving efficiency, agility, and innovation. MuleSoft, a leader in integration and API management, offers a comprehensive platform that enables organizations to connect applications, data, and devices seamlessly. MuleSoft provides built-in monitoring capabilities, organizations can further enhance their integration strategies by implementing custom monitoring and graphing solutions tailored to their specific needs.

The Importance of Monitoring in Integration

Monitoring integration processes is essential for several reasons:

  1. Performance Optimization: Monitoring allows organizations to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance, ensuring that integrations operate efficiently.
  2. Issue Identification and Resolution: Real-time monitoring enables the timely detection of issues and errors, allowing for swift resolution to minimize disruptions.
  3. Resource Allocation: Monitoring helps organizations allocate resources effectively by providing insights into usage patterns and trends.
  4. Compliance and Governance: Monitoring facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements and ensures adherence to governance policies by tracking data flows and access.

Custom Monitoring in MuleSoft

Anypoint Monitoring provides various monitoring tools to get a detailed understanding of our applications that may have been deployed via Anypoint Cloud, RTF (Runtime Fabric) or on-premise. The main objective of Anypoint Monitoring is to reduce the time taken for error/issue diagnosis and aid in determining a better approach. Anypoint monitoring tools include alerts, data visualization, functional monitoring, aggregated metrics, log aggregation system, etc.

Implementing Custom Monitors

  1. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify the critical metrics that align with your integration goals, such as throughput, latency, error rates, and resource utilization.
  2. Leverage Anypoint Monitoring APIs: MuleSoft provides APIs for accessing monitoring data programmatically, allowing organizations to extract relevant metrics and incorporate them into custom monitoring solutions.
  3. Integration with External Monitoring Tools: Integrate MuleSoft with external monitoring tools and platforms to consolidate monitoring data from multiple sources and gain a holistic view of integration performance.

Custom graphs offer a visually compelling way to represent integration metrics and performance trends. By leveraging customizable graphing libraries and tools, organizations can create intuitive dashboards tailored to their specific needs. Let’s explore some examples of how custom graphs can enhance integration monitoring:

Example 1: Throughput Trends

Graph: Line Chart

Throughput, representing the rate of data transfer through integrations, is a critical metric for assessing system performance. A line chart can visualize throughput trends over time, allowing stakeholders to identify patterns, peak periods, and potential bottlenecks.

Example 2: Error Analysis

Graph: Pie Chart

Understanding error rates and distribution is essential for troubleshooting and improving integration reliability. A pie chart can visualize error types and proportions, providing insights into common issues and areas for optimization.

Example 3: Resource Utilization

Graph: Bar Chart

Monitoring resource utilization, such as CPU and memory usage, helps ensure optimal performance and resource allocation. A bar chart can compare resource utilization across different integration components or environments, enabling proactive capacity planning and optimization.

Example Configuration

Let’s consider an example where we want to monitor and graph the throughput of messages processed by a MuleSoft application:

  1. Custom Monitoring Configuration:
  • Use Anypoint Monitoring APIs to retrieve message throughput data.
  • Implement a scheduled job within the MuleSoft application to periodically fetch throughput metrics.
  • Store the metrics in a format accessible to the graphing solution, such as a database or file system.

2. Graphing Solution Configuration:

  • Choose a graphing library like Chart.js.
  • Define a line chart to visualize message throughput over time.
  • Configure Chart.js to consume data from the stored metrics and render the line chart within the MuleSoft application’s user interface.

Different Layouts in Custom Dashboards

As shown in the figure above, we can create four different types of dashboards according to how we want to visualize our data.

  • Graph : represents a wide range of metrics in terms of time-series data. Supports a query language enabling us to specifically check the data we need to see
  • Singlestat : statistics are represented as a summary of single grouping of time-series data like response time, heap usage, etc.
  • Table : represents the time-series data in a tabular format further facilitating cell coloring along with date and value formatting
  • Text : allows a textual representation of data (like headers, titles, etc.) within the rows/cells of the dashboard written in Markdown or HTML

Setting up custom dashboards in MuleSoft provides organizations with a tailored solution to monitor their integration processes effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up custom dashboards:

1. Access Anypoint Platform:

  • Log in to your Anypoint Platform account using your credentials.

2. Navigate to Anypoint Monitoring:

  • Once logged in, navigate to the Monitoring section of the Anypoint Platform. This is where you can access and configure monitoring features.

3. Create a New Dashboard:

  • Within the Monitoring section, locate the option to create a new dashboard. Click on it to initiate the dashboard creation process.

4. Define Dashboard Layout:

  • Choose the layout and structure for your custom dashboard. Decide how many rows and columns you want, and whether you want a fixed or flexible layout.

5. Add Widgets to the Dashboard:

  • Start populating your dashboard with widgets. Widgets are visual components that display specific metrics or data.
  • Click on the “Add Widget” button within the dashboard editor to add a new widget.
  • Choose the type of widget you want to add (e.g., line chart, bar chart, pie chart, metric, etc.).
  • Configure the widget settings, including selecting the data source (APIs, connectors, etc.), specifying the metrics to display, and defining any filters or parameters.

6. Customize Widget Appearance:

  • Customize the appearance of each widget to suit your preferences and requirements. This may include adjusting colors, labels, axes, legends, and other visual elements.

7. Arrange Widgets:

  • Arrange the widgets on the dashboard canvas according to your desired layout and logical grouping. Drag and drop the widgets to reposition them as needed.

8. Save and Name Your Dashboard:

  • Once you’ve configured the dashboard to your satisfaction, give it a meaningful name that reflects its purpose or the metrics it displays.
  • Click on the “Save” or “Save Dashboard” button to save your custom dashboard.

9. Share the Dashboard:

  • Share the dashboard with relevant team members or stakeholders within your organization. You can typically do this by providing them with view or edit access permissions.
  • Consider setting up email alerts or notifications to notify stakeholders of important changes or events detected by the dashboard.

10. Review and Iterate:

  • Review the dashboard regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective in monitoring integration processes.
  • Gather feedback from users and stakeholders, and iterate on the dashboard design and configuration as needed to improve its usefulness and usability.


Custom dashboards in MuleSoft empower organizations to track integration performance effectively and make data-driven decisions. By following above steps and configuring custom widgets to visualize key metrics, organizations can gain deeper insights into their integration processes, optimize performance, and drive business success. With the flexibility and customization options provided by MuleSoft’s Anypoint Monitoring, custom dashboards become invaluable tools for monitoring and managing integration solutions.




I am an IT professional with a passion for photography. Combining technical expertise with a creative eye