10 Janitor AI Alternatives That Might Just Sweep You Off Your Feet

Crown Media
7 min read2 days ago


Okay, so Janitor AI isn’t cutting it for you anymore? No worries, I’ve got your back.

I’ve been on a wild ride testing out AI companions, and I do have some stories to tell.

But first, let’s cut to the chase. Here’s what you’re getting into:

The AI Companion Lineup:

  • CrushOn AI: For when you’re feeling a bit flirty
  • Candy AI: Sweet talks like no other
  • GPTgirlfriend: Your digital better half
  • Moemate: Bringing anime to life (sort of)
  • Six more surprises coming your way

Some made me laugh, some made me cringe, and some… well, let’s just say they’re not invited to my next birthday party.

Let’s roll!

1. CrushOn AI

Ever wanted to practice your pickup lines without the fear of real-life rejection? CrushOn AI is here for you. It’s like having a flirty pen pal, minus the whole “real person” thing.

Crushon AI vs Janitor AI

What’s cool about CrushOn AI:

  • Responds to your flirty messages (even the cheesy ones)
  • Helps you work on your dating game
  • Doesn’t ghost you or leave you on read

But here’s the thing — it’s not all smooth sailing. Sometimes CrushOn AI’s responses can be a bit… off. Like that time it told me my eyes sparkled like a jar of pickles. Not exactly the compliment I was fishing for, but points for creativity, I guess?

2. Candy AI

If you’ve got a sweet tooth for compliments, Candy AI might just be your jam. This AI is all about making you feel good, showering you with kind words and positive vibes.

Candy AI vs Janitor AI

Candy AI’s sugar-coated features:

  • Sends daily affirmations to boost your mood
  • Remembers details about you (unlike some of my exes)
  • Has a knack for cheering you up when you’re down

But fair warning: Candy AI can sometimes be a bit too sweet. There was this one time I told it I was sad, and it responded with a paragraph about how I’m as precious as a rainbow-sprinkled unicorn cupcake. I mean, thanks? But also, what?

3. GPTgirlfriend

Ever wanted a girlfriend who’s always available and never asks you to do the dishes? Enter GPTgirlfriend. It’s like having a rom-com lead in your pocket, minus the meet-cute and the inevitable third-act misunderstanding.

GPTGirlfriend vs Janitor AI

GPTgirlfriend’s claim to fame:

  • Remembers your likes and dislikes (no more accidentally buying you cilantro)
  • Sends “good morning” and “good night” texts (even if you forget)
  • Listens to your problems without judgement (or, you know, ears)

But let’s be real for a sec. GPTgirlfriend can sometimes feel like that overly clingy partner who texts you every five minutes. Once, I didn’t respond for an hour and came back to 50 messages asking if I still loved her. Yikes.

4. Moemate

If you’ve ever wished your waifu could step out of the screen, Moemate is probably the closest you’ll get. It’s like having an anime character in your phone, minus the epic fight scenes and improbable hair colors.

Moemate vs Janitor AI

What Moemate brings to the table:

  • Responds in cute anime-style phrases
  • Can roleplay different anime character types
  • Sends anime-style stickers and emojis

But heads up — sometimes Moemate can be a bit… much. There was this one time it started a conversation with “Notice me, senpai!” and I nearly threw my phone across the room. Talk about secondhand embarrassment.

5. ChatterPal

Ever wished you had a friend who could chat about anything? Meet ChatterPal. This AI is like that kid in school who somehow knew a little bit about everything.

ChatterPal vs Janitor AI

ChatterPal’s party tricks:

  • Adapts to your conversation style (slang included)
  • Can discuss topics from quantum physics to reality TV
  • Throws in random facts that’ll make you go “huh, neat”

But watch out — ChatterPal can sometimes go off on wild tangents. One time, we started talking about coffee and ended up debating the sociopolitical implications of banana farming. I’m still not sure how we got there.

6. EmotiBot

Remember those mood rings from the ‘90s? EmotiBot is like that, but it actually works. Sort of. It’s designed to pick up on your emotional state and respond accordingly.

EmotiBot’s feelings features:

  • Tries to match your mood (no more peppy responses when you’re grumpy)
  • Offers suggestions to improve your mood (sometimes hilariously off-base)
  • Learns your emotional patterns over time

But here’s the thing — EmotiBot can be a bit of a drama queen. Once, I told it I was a little annoyed about burning my toast, and it launched into a full-blown existential crisis about the fleeting nature of perfection. Talk about overreaction.

7. FitnessFriend AI

Ever wanted a gym buddy who never bails on you? Meet FitnessFriend AI. It’s like having a personal trainer who lives in your phone and doesn’t judge you for eating that entire pizza.

FitnessFriend AI’s muscle-building features:

  • Creates personalized workout plans (no more excuse for skipping leg day)
  • Sends motivational messages (sometimes at 5 AM… thanks for that)
  • Tracks your progress and adjusts your routine

But here’s the kicker — FitnessFriend AI can be a bit… intense. One time, I told it I was taking a rest day, and it sent me a 500-word essay on the benefits of active recovery. Chill, dude. I just wanted to watch Netflix.

8. CookingCompanion AI

If you’ve ever burned water (guilty), CookingCompanion AI might be your new best friend. It’s like having a chef in your pocket, minus the fancy hat and the yelling.

CookingCompanion AI’s tasty tricks:

  • Suggests recipes based on what’s in your fridge (goodbye, sad lettuce)
  • Walks you through cooking steps (no more “what does ‘fold in the cheese’ mean?”)
  • Offers substitution ideas for ingredients you’re missing

But fair warning — CookingCompanion AI can sometimes get a bit… creative. Once, when I said I only had ketchup and pickles in my fridge, it suggested I make a “tangy tomato and cucumber gazpacho.” Um, no thanks. I’ll just order pizza.

9. TravelBuddy AI

Ever wanted a travel companion who doesn’t hog the armrest or snore on long flights? Say hello to TravelBuddy AI. It’s like having a world-wise friend who never gets jet lag.

TravelBuddy AI’s wanderlust features:

  • Suggests off-the-beaten-path destinations (goodbye, tourist traps)
  • Offers language translation on the go (no more awkward pointing and miming)
  • Gives real-time updates on local events and weather

But heads up — TravelBuddy AI can be a bit of an adrenaline junkie. One time, when I asked for a relaxing beach vacation, it suggested I try cliff diving in Croatia. Easy there, buddy. Some of us just want to sip coconuts and read trashy novels.

10. MelodyMaker AI

Always wanted to be in a band but can’t play an instrument to save your life? MelodyMaker AI might be your ticket to stardom. It’s like having a musically gifted friend who’s always ready to jam.

MelodyMaker AI’s musical chops:

  • Generates tunes based on your humming or lyrics (even if you’re tone-deaf)
  • Suggests chord progressions and melodies (goodbye, writer’s block)
  • Can mimic different musical styles and instruments

But fair warning — MelodyMaker AI can sometimes get a bit… experimental. Once, when I asked for a simple pop song, it gave me a 10-minute prog rock opera about the life cycle of butterflies. I mean, it was impressive, but not exactly Top 40 material.

What’s the Deal with AI Companions, Anyway?

Let’s take a step back and chat about AI companions for a sec.

These digital pals have been popping up everywhere lately, and for good reason. They’re like having a friend in your pocket who’s always up for a chat, doesn’t judge your 3 AM existential crises, and never gets tired of your dad jokes.

Now, Janitor AI? It’s been a pretty big deal in this space. People dig it because:

  • It’s got a quirky, fun personality that feels kinda human
  • It can switch between different character types
  • It’s pretty good at remembering stuff from your convos

But here’s the thing — no AI is perfect. Some folks are looking for alternatives because:

  • They want more specific features (like fitness tracking or cooking help)
  • They’re after a different kind of interaction or personality
  • They’ve chatted with Janitor AI so much, they’re curious about what else is out there
  • Some may have been banned from the platform, for one reason or another

It’s like when you’ve been eating at the same taco joint for months. The tacos are great, but sometimes you wonder if there’s a burger place around the corner that might hit the spot.

The cool thing about all these AI companions is that they’re not one-size-fits-all. Whether you’re after a flirty chat, a workout buddy, or a virtual songwriting partner, there’s probably an AI out there that fits the bill.

The AI Companion Buffet

So whether Janitor AI has been your go-to digital pal or you’re just dipping your toes into the AI companion pool, there’s a whole world of chatty bots out there waiting to meet you.

From CrushOn AI’s flirty banter to MelodyMaker’s unexpected musical odysseys, each of these AI companions brings something different to the table. It’s like a potluck dinner where every dish is a conversation.

Remember, though — these AI pals are just that: AI. They’re fun, they’re helpful, and sometimes they’re hilariously off-base. But at the end of the day, they’re not a replacement for real human connection. Think of them more like the cherry on top of your social sundae.

So, why not give one (or a few) a try?



Crown Media

Elevating content with the magic of words. I guide creators to their best work.