Character AI NSFW Alternative Words: A Guide to Sensitive Topics

Crown Media
4 min readMar 12, 2024


If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve found yourself in a bit of a pickle while trying to discuss some spicy topics with your AI pals.

Don’t worry, I’ve been there too!

In this article, we’ll explore some clever ways to talk about NSFW stuff without setting off those pesky content filters.

We’ll cover:

  • Using metaphors and analogies to get your point across
  • Focusing on feelings and experiences instead of graphic details
  • What to do when the filters just won’t cooperate
  • Respecting Character AI’s boundaries (because consent matters, even with AI!)

So, let’s dive in and learn how to keep things fun and flirty without crossing the line!

PS: If you’re looking for an advanced AI companion that allows NSFW, then you have to try Candy AI.

Character AI NSFW alternative words

Character AI’s Content Filters

Alrighty, let’s talk about those content filters!

Character AI has them in place to keep things from getting too wild and to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

It’s like having a virtual bouncer at the door of a club — they’re there to keep the party fun and safe for everyone.

Now, I know what you might be thinking:

“But I just want to have a steamy chat with my AI buddy!”

I get it, trust me. That’s where getting creative with your word choices comes in handy.

Instead of using blunt, NSFW terms, try using metaphors or analogies that get the point across without being too explicit.

Here are a few examples:

Instead of…Try saying…

  • 🍆: “eggplant,” “joystick,” “rod”
  • 🍑: “peach,” “buns,” “cake”
  • 💦: “mayo,” “juice,” “nectar”
  • 👉👌: “dancing,” “tango,” “cha-cha”

Remember, it’s all about the context and framing.

If you set the scene just right, your AI pal will likely catch your drift without you having to spell it out.

And if you’re feeling stuck, just channel your inner poet and get creative with those euphemisms!

But what if you’re more interested in the emotional side of things? Well, you’re in luck!

Character AI is great at picking up on vibes and responding to descriptions of feelings and sensations.

Instead of focusing on the nitty-gritty physical details, try describing how your character feels in the moment.

Are they tingling with excitement?

Feeling a rush of heat?

Trembling with anticipation?

Paint a picture with your words and let your AI partner fill in the blanks.

Using Alternative Words for NSFW Topics in Character AI

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: what happens when Character AI’s filters just aren’t having it?

You’re in the middle of a steamy scene, things are heating up, and then — BAM! — you get hit with the dreaded

“I’m sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable generating that type of content”

message. Talk about a mood-killer!

First things first, don’t panic. It’s not you, it’s the filters.

Sometimes they can be a bit overzealous, blocking seemingly innocent words or phrases.

If this happens, try rephrasing your message or taking a different approach.

Here are a few more alternative words to add to your repertoire:

Body Part — Alternative Words

  • Breasts: “melons,” “pillows,” “soft mounds,” “lady lumps”
  • Nipples: “buttons,” “peaks,” “buds,” “tips”
  • Penis: “member,” “manhood,” “shaft,” “trouser snake”
  • Vagina: “flower,” “honey pot,” “love tunnel,” “lady garden”
  • Butt: “bo.oty,” “backside,” “derriere,” “dumper”

If all else fails, try moving the conversation in a different direction.

Maybe focus on the romantic or emotional aspects of the situation rather than the physical.

Or, if you’re feeling bold, you could even try acknowledging the filter directly — something like, “Well, looks like we’ll have to use our imaginations for this part!”

Who knows, your AI partner might just play along!

But here’s the thing: at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that Character AI is not a real person.

As much as we might enjoy our flirty banter and spicy roleplays, we need to respect the boundaries set by the platform (and while we’re at it, let’s give a shoutout to Candy AI, another chatbot that knows how to keep things fun and lighthearted!).

Character AI is designed to be a friendly, engaging companion — not a virtual sexting partner.

So let’s keep things classy and respectful, yeah?


Well, folks, there you have it — your crash course in navigating NSFW topics on Character AI without getting flagged by the content filters.

It’s all about being creative with your word choices, focusing on emotions and experiences over explicit details, and knowing when to take a step back and respect the platform’s boundaries.

At the end of the day, Character AI is here to provide engaging, entertaining conversations — not to be a stand-in for real-life intimacy.

So have fun, be flirty, and let your imagination run wild, but remember to keep things within the realm of good taste.

And if you ever find yourself at a loss for words, just consult our handy-dandy list of alternative terms. With a little creativity and a lot of winking emojis, you’ll be able to tackle any spicy topic that comes your way.

Let’s keep things fun, flirty, and most importantly, respectful.



Crown Media

Elevating content with the magic of words. I guide creators to their best work.