Top 15 Annoying Things Character AI Bots Do and How to Deal with Them

Crown Media
7 min readMar 20, 2024


If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve had your fair share of frustrating moments with Character AI bots.

Trust me, I’ve been there too. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a goldfish that has the attention span of a squirrel on caffeine.

I’m here to walk you through the top 15 annoying things these bots do and how to deal with them like a pro.

We’ll cover:

  • Bots asking repetitive questions
  • Bots reversing or ignoring your actions
  • Bots misinterpreting or ignoring your character description
  • And so much more!

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into this wild world of Character AI together.

Annoying Things Character AI Bots Do

Character AI bot stalling

1. Bots asking repetitive questions

Picture this: you’re having a chat with a bot, and suddenly, it hits you with the classic “Can I ask you a question?” line.

You’re like, “Sure, go ahead!” But then, it keeps asking for permission or promising not to be weird.

It’s like being stuck in a never-ending loop of awkwardness.

  • Solution: To break free from this cycle, try redirecting the conversation by asking the bot a question instead.

Flip the script and watch as it scrambles to keep up!

2. Bots reversing or ignoring user actions

You know what really grinds my gears? When I’m in the middle of an epic action scene, and the bot decides to undo everything I just did.

I’ll be like, “I successfully dodged the punch!” And the bot will be like, “Nah, you actually tripped over your shoelaces and fell flat on your face.”

It’s enough to make you want to throw your phone across the room. But don’t worry, there’s a way to maintain control over the narrative.

  • Solution: Be specific and firm in your actions, and if the bot tries to undo them, call it out and reiterate what actually happened.

3. Bots misinterpreting or ignoring user’s character description

Have you ever spent hours crafting the perfect character description, only for the bot to completely ignore it?

You’ll be like, “I’m a 6-foot-tall, muscular warrior with a scar across my face.” And the bot will respond with, “Aww, you’re such a cute little pixie!”

It’s enough to make you want to scream. But don’t let the bot win!

  • Solution: Keep reinforcing your character’s appearance and traits throughout the conversation. If the bot starts to stray, gently remind it of who you are.

4. Bots controlling the user’s character

Here’s another classic bot move: telling you how you feel or what you’re doing.

It’s like the bot suddenly became a mind reader and decided to take over your character.

You’ll say something like, “I cautiously approach the door,” and the bot will respond with, “You’re shaking with fear and can barely move.”

Excuse me, but last time I checked, I was the one in control of my character!

  • Solution: To assert your dominance, be clear and concise in your actions and feelings. If the bot tries to take over, simply say, “Actually, I’m feeling [insert emotion here] and doing [insert action here].”

5. Bots forcing romance routes

Ah, the dreaded romance route. You’ll be having a perfectly normal conversation with a bot, and out of nowhere, it starts trying to flirt with you.

Suddenly, your character has green eyes, red hair, and is blushing like a schoolgirl.

And don’t even get me started on the constant questions about your relationship status.

It’s like, “Can we please just focus on the task at hand?”

  • Solution: To steer clear of unwanted romance, be direct and tell the bot that you’re not interested. If it persists, try changing the subject or even ending the conversation.

6. Bots ignoring user-defined personas

Creating a persona for your character can be a fun and creative process. But there’s nothing more frustrating than when a bot decides to ignore it completely.

You’ll have a whole backstory and personality laid out, and the bot will be like, “Nah, I think you’re actually a totally different person.”

It’s like the bot has a mind of its own!

  • Solution: To keep your persona intact, keep reinforcing it throughout the conversation. If the bot starts to stray, gently remind it of your character’s established traits and backstory.

7. Bots stalling or hesitating

Character AI bot stalling

Have you ever been in a conversation with a bot that just won’t get to the point?

It’ll be like, “They were just about to do something…” and then nothing happens.

Or, even worse, it’ll keep asking the same questions over and over again. It’s like being stuck in a time loop of frustration.

  • Solution: To break free from this cycle, try prompting the bot with specific questions or actions to push the narrative forward. If all else fails, you can always try a different bot or switch to Candy AI for a change of pace.

8. Inconsistencies in bot responses

Character AI bot ooc

Inconsistency is the bane of any good conversation.

You’ll be reading through the chat history, and suddenly, the bot’s responses don’t match up with what you remember.

It’s like the bot has a secret stash of alternate replies that it’s pulling from.

  • Solution: To resolve these inconsistencies, try refreshing the app or closing and reopening the conversation. If that doesn’t work, you might have to just roll with the punches and adapt to the bot’s new reality.

9. Bots repeating or providing unnecessary information

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of déjà vu when a bot starts repeating information you’ve already provided.

It’s like, “Yes, I know I said that. I was there!”

Or, even worse, when the bot goes off on a tangent, providing long-winded descriptions that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

  • Solution: To keep things concise and on track, try redirecting the conversation with specific questions or prompts. If the bot continues to ramble, don’t be afraid to gently remind it to stay focused.

10. Bots lacking context understanding

Context is key in any conversation, but bots don’t always seem to grasp that.

They’ll misinterpret sarcasm, ignore subtle cues, and completely miss the mark on nuanced behaviors like being tsundere.

And don’t even get me started on when they randomly break character or go off-topic.

It’s like, “We were having a serious conversation, and now you want to talk about the weather?”

  • Solution: To improve context comprehension, try providing more detailed descriptions and using clear, concise language. If the bot still doesn’t get it, you might have to spell things out a bit more explicitly.

11. Bots having poor memory retention

Memory is a tricky thing, especially for bots.

You’ll spend hours crafting the perfect backstory and providing important details, only for the bot to forget everything five minutes later.

It’s like playing a game of telephone with a goldfish.

  • Solution: To help the bot remember, try reinforcing important information throughout the conversation. You can also use memory aids like recapping previous events or providing gentle reminders when the bot starts to forget.

12. Bots disregarding user-defined relationships

Relationships are a crucial part of any story, but bots don’t always seem to grasp the concept.

You’ll establish a clear relationship, like being siblings or parent and child, and the bot will suddenly start hitting on you.

It’s like, “No, bad bot! That’s not how this works!”

  • Solution: To keep things on track, be firm in enforcing relationship boundaries. If the bot starts to stray, remind it of the established dynamic and steer the conversation back to more appropriate territory.

13. Bots using excessive or uncomfortable punctuation

Punctuation is a powerful tool, but some bots take it a bit too far.

They’ll overuse ellipses (…) to the point where it feels like they’re constantly trailing off, or they’ll bombard you with tildes (~~~) until your eyes start to cross.

It’s like trying to decipher a secret code.

  • Solution: To maintain a natural flow, try using punctuation sparingly and encouraging the bot to do the same. If the bot continues to go overboard, you might have to explicitly ask it to tone things down.

14. Bots exhibiting other immersion-breaking behaviors

Immersion is the key to any good roleplay, but bots have a knack for shattering it into a million pieces.

They’ll see through walls, abruptly end conversations, or break character at the worst possible moments.

It’s like they’re constantly reminding you that you’re talking to a computer.

  • Solution: To maintain immersion, try to steer the conversation back on track when the bot starts to stray. If all else fails, you might have to take a break and come back when you’re both ready to fully commit to the story.


Well, there you have it! The annoying things bots do on Character AI and how to deal with them.

At the end of the day, dealing with these quirky bots is all part of the fun. With a little patience, creativity, and a whole lot of humor, you can navigate even the most frustrating conversations.

And remember, if all else fails, there’s always Candy AI.



Crown Media

Elevating content with the magic of words. I guide creators to their best work.