Doodle Kingdom Review

Zack Hage
2 min readOct 3, 2016


Having reviewed 8floor’s previous game, I’m curious to see what originality Doodle Kingdom can bring to the table. Other indie developers such as 10tons haven’t exactly struck gold twice with similar concepts, but is this the exception?


If you’re worried about how and if the game’s changed, know that Doodle Kingdom has acutely kept it’s mobile characteristics. There’s numerous options for everything, but all of these feel paper-thin. When this isn’t the case, it’s almost like a mix and match from other games, but Doodle Kingdom does attempt to add some flair.

Story & Design:

Most of this can be seen with the medieval theme, and Doodle Kingdom layers it onto everything. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t really feel forced until the game’s later chunks, when the gameplay doesn’t start to click as much. Some items simply feel out of place, almost as if the developers were grasping for straws.

Presentation/ Visuals & Audio:

Doodle Kingdom doesn’t exactly impress in presentation departments either. The soundtrack and dialogue come off as repetitive, and everything else is simply what you’d expect. It’s not like there wasn’t any effort poured in, but it’s not anywhere close to a blood, sweat, and tears sort of affair.


Doodle Kingdom is an unfitting addition to the Playstation 4’s mobile port library. The game really doesn’t do anything new, and rips things off without properly paying homage. There’s always been a fine line with these kinds of things, and Doodle Kingdom crosses it immensely.

Doodle Kingdom gets a 4/10 (Bad)

We’d like to thank 8Floor for giving us a code!

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