Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy Review

Zack Hage
3 min readSep 11, 2016


I have deep appreciation for any developer that tasks themselves with bringing a PC exclusive genre to console. It not only takes work, but precision, so the game still feels smooth without a keyboard. We’ve seen some great examples with XCOM, Diablo, and SMITE, but this rarely happens in the sc-fi genre. Developer Slitherine is making an exception with Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy, but was it a good game in the first place?


Context-wise, Star Hammer is turn-based first, and real time second. You’ll command a mass fleet of ships, directing them to different strategies in order to win battles. Of course, this gets harder and harder the more you progress, but the game doesn’t get any less compelling. This is probably because of how well the AI is programmed, there wasn’t a single time I didn’t feel I was being challenged. If you’re looking for a laid-back strategy game, head the other way.

Story & Design:


I’ve talked extensively about Star Hammer’s gameplay, but how is it’s story? Well, needless to say it surpasses expectations. The detailed dialogue gives a lot more context on interesting story beats, and without skipping it, you become a lot more invested in the world. The same goes for the characters and the story’s structure, so it’s safe to say it completes an already impressive package.

Presentation/ Visuals & Audio:

The only instances in which Star Hammer doesn’t blow minds is in it’s presentation. While the ship designs look great, the overall graphics are a bit sub-par. I would also say the same about the mediocre soundtrack, as it doesn’t propel the game to new heights like the story and gameplay aspects do.


The last great thing about Star Hammer I’ll mention is that it’s fairly accessible, so people who don’t play the strategy genre 24/7 can still get a kick out of it. With that provided, it’s not a title you should miss, even during this busy gaming season.

Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy gets a 8/10 (Very Good)

We’d like to thank Slitherine for giving us a code!

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