5 Topics Worth To Talk About in 2023, JustRadr Edition !

5 min readDec 31, 2022


2022 is finally done and here are my predictions for 2023 and resolutions for 2022. I made this post as a personal note to myself, let’s see if these will get materialized.

Here is my top 5 topics for 2023.

  1. Fifa U-20 WorldCup 2023 in Indonesia.
  2. Social distancing no more!
  3. Rise of the AI
  4. Will the predicted economic crisis happen?
  5. Indonesian election is coming (again).

If you want to know more, keep on reading.

Fifa U-20 WorldCup 2023 in Indonesia

Prediction: Last world cup (2022) Argetina won right. But did you know Messi actually won the U-20 FIFA World cup in 2005? Bet you didn’t. Next year 2023 there is going to be another U-20 FIFA World Cup and Indonesia is going to be hosting the tournament.

source : indonesia baik
Source : iNews

I hope Indonesia can make it past the group stage. And beside Indonesia, i hope we can find future stars in this tournament. I think we have many potentials and im really looking forward to see the matches. In Indonesia, im excited to see Ronaldo Kwateh. Yep, we have Indonesian Ronaldo in the team 😂. I hope we also get to see Jude Bellingham in action for England U-20 team.

Resolution: I want to save up some money to watch the U-20 World Cup Live in Stadium or host a Watch Party with my friends. We can prepare some snacks or play some FIFA before watching the game on TV.

Social Distancing No More ! (but still following health protocol)

Source : iNews

Prediction: Because social distancing regulation has been lifted now we can gather again in groups as long as we follow the protocol(Vaccine, wear masks, etc.) Because we can gather again I think this is an opportunity for me to practice music with my friends.

Beck, one of the classic Anime about Rock Band

Resolution: In 2022, i performed a music at school with my friends practicing only less than a month. I hope i can form a band with my school mates and learn new songs.

Rise of the AI

Prediction: I think 2023 we will have a lot more tools using AI. I have tried the ChatGPT, and the AI features are showing up in Adobe, Replit, Notion. I think this will help make our job easier, but also endanger us to become complacent.

Resolution: I want to improve myself to better strategically position myself in the future. I want to start by improving my maths skills and coding skills. This is a way for me to improve my AI (Actual Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence, haha 😂)

Be Smart With Money

Prediction: In 2023 Sri Mulyani Indrawati( Minister of finance of Indonesia) warns us that Indonesia will have a monetarial crisis. This will be tough because we already have another problem which is Climate Change. Sri Mulyani said

“Kita akan menghadapi tantangan yang sekarang pun sudah terasa, climate change. Perubahan iklim yang akan sangat mempengaruhi negara dan perekonomian, serta kesejahteraan rakyat,”

Which means We will face challenges that are already being felt, namely climate change. Climate change which will greatly affect the country and the economy, as well as people’s welfare.

Resolution: I want to be smart with my money. Saving money when i can and not just buying random things. I would also try to repair things first before buying new things. Taking care of my stuffs to extend their lifetime usages. Besides economical, this will be beneficial for the environment.

Indonesia Election Is Coming

Source : Kumparan

Prediction: Even though Indonesia will have the presidential election in 2024, but in 2023 political campaign will already been started. Even now in 2022 we can already see it. Im not allowed to vote yet, but i think we should not be ignorance because us the younger generations also have the responsibility to create a safe and positive internet content. A while ago I made a video about digital citizenship. This should still be relevant to provide guides on how to behave on the internet.

School assignment i made in grade 6

Resolution: I want to continue making postitive content on the Internet, using Bahasa Indonesia and English, as i want to practice my communication skill. I want to be more consistent in posting my blogs (please do help my by suggesting topics that i should write). I hope me and my friend can also create a digital movement that have positive impact to Indonesia.

Thank you for an awesome 2022.


My wishlist or thing I hope to see in 2023.

  1. I wish Nintendo added themes to Nintendo switch like in the 3DS
  2. Fortnite should make a collaboration using local representation (Indonesian character please).
  3. I want to start creating games on roblox using Lua Code
  4. Learning Japanese language.

Im grateful for an awesome 2022. I’ve graduated from grade 6 into grade 7 and improved my math score. Still have room for improvement. Also marked the first time i go out with my friends after 2 years of pandemy. And we did have a lot of outings together. Really fun. Hope we can do more in 2023. And I hope i can do it with you too !

Cheers, see you in 2023 !

