Nutritional Roots Manifesto

Better nutrition. Better planet. Better life.

Just Root
4 min readFeb 1, 2018

Turns out, the future of your health will have roots in our past.

Every day, technology pushes our world further into the future — and our health can’t keep up. Our health is unhappy.

Our bodies expect to spend the day roaming for food, drinking uncontaminated water and living under the sun. Instead, we spend the day sitting at a desk, staring at a screen, stressing about deadlines and waiting for food to come to us.

The disconnect between your modern behavior and the behavior of your ancient genes is making health unhappy. It’s creating problems in the forms of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, chronic pain, mental illness and other epidemics sweeping our nation.

Also, we believe a healthy planet grows healthy people.

That’s the good news. The bad news: our planet — more specifically, our soil — is not healthy. We now grow food with less nutrient density than the food we grew in the 90s. Our food lacks the nutrients to make your health happy.

So if your food lacks food and your body feels foreign in this high-tech world, what do you do? How do we make our health happy again?

The best solution, right now, is supplements and essential oils.

Supplements offer your health a path to happiness by providing nutritional support until we revitalize our food and learn to reconnect with nature.

We make innovative supplements by harnessing the health-empowering potential of plants.

Once upon a time, our only medicine cabinet was the world around us. Our distant relatives maintained good health through daily activity, pure water and eating the plants they passed by. They occasionally supplemented their diets with a little protein, herbs and fungi as needed.

If these practices and plants can stand the test of time — for thousands of years — and maintain health for hundreds of generations, we think this old-school knowledge is worth a closer look.

And that’s exactly what our founding physician did. He took a closer look. After medical school, he researched people living beyond 100 years old, and he found them living among time-tested traditions and practices around the world.

We believe the seeds for making health happy again are planted in old-school wisdom of plants and our planet. With this wisdom, we can make health happy again for our generation and for all generations to come.

Our supplements are inspired by our doctor’s research and his clinical experience with herbalist traditions and medical practices from around the world. We design our supplements using history’s best botanicals. All of our ingredients are carefully sourced. And when possible, we activate their full nutritional potential through fermentation and sprouting. The result is innovative supplements to support specific health functions and maintain good health as we go about our modern life. All of our supplements are developed under the supervision and guidance of our founding physician.

Our doctor cares for patients — when he’s not caring for the planet.

Human health is rooted in environmental health. Board-certified physician Todd J. Pesek, M.D., or Dr. Todd as we call him, founded Nutritional Roots to share his principles of wellness and sustainability beyond his clinical practice in Cleveland.

In order for Dr. Todd to truly help his patients, he commitments time outside his practice to help heal the planet. He works with farmers to help them understand regenerative farming. He teaches the next generation of doctors about ethnobotany and holistic healing. And he helps his local grocery stores source sustainable and organic produce, while also advising on how to stock the shelves with healthy snack and beverages.

We all can revitalize food by helping regenerative farms.

Our vision for the future of health goes beyond supplements and essential oils. In order to truly support health in the future, we must think about what we eat. Food is medicine. We must revitalize our food to nourish our bodies. This means we need to help farmers grow crops that are gentle on the soil and support the thriving ecosystem within soil. We need to buy foods that are local, seasonal and grown without chemicals. We need to think about the sustainability behind each ingredient on our plates. We need to ask questions and demand better.

This is how we can heal our soil, and by healing our soil, we can start to heal our planet. We’ll restore our aquifers and avoid a water criss. We’ll help lower the rising water levels in the ocean, and we can help reduce the temperature of our planet.

Restore your Nutritional Roots

Now, it’s time to make your health happy again. We hope nature’s history of healing will inspire you to try our supplements. We hope our pursuit of a healthier planet will inspire you to reconsider what you eat. And we hope that our hope will inspire you with optimism and excitement for a healthy future.

After all, happy health is waiting for you, and your happy health stems from your Nutritional Roots.

Originally published at Justin Root.



Just Root

A.D.D. dude with an endless curiosity for new hobbies. Previous obsessions include: GPT/AI/ML, Permaculture, Herbalism, Nutrition, Wine, Gilded Age, Design