Narcissists Fear You knowing your Worth Because If You Do, You’ll Leave Them

Just Some Writer (JSW)
4 min readOct 2, 2024
Photo by Michael Heise on Unsplash

Narcissists fear one thing above all: you discovering your worth. I know, it sounds dramatic, but if you’ve ever dealt with a narcissist, you know that they thrive on control.

Their entire game is built on keeping you in a place where you feel dependent on them — emotionally, mentally, sometimes even financially. And the second you realize your value? The whole house of cards comes tumbling down, and they know it.

The funny thing is, narcissists are really good at spotting people who are unsure of themselves. It’s like they have this radar that locks onto anyone who’s questioning their worth.

They swoop in, shower you with attention, compliments, and validation, making you feel like you’re the center of the universe. It’s intoxicating, and at first, you might think you’ve found someone who sees you for who you really are. But that’s just part of their playbook.

The problem is, all that love-bombing is just a smokescreen. Beneath it, they’re testing you, seeing how much they can get away with. They’ll start small — maybe a backhanded compliment here or a subtle dig there. They might criticize the way you dress, or question your judgment about trivial things.

