Mistakes to avoid while choosing a hair transplant San Francisco expert

Richard G. Glogau, MD
3 min readAug 17, 2017


Problems like hair thinning and receding hairline can curb your personality to a great extent. You feel diffident and you don’t feel like stepping out your homes. The impact can be quite severe, especially if you suffer from these conditions at a young age, at about your 20s. There is no particular reason attributed to this condition; however, experts, point out that genetics play a major role in youngsters becoming almost bald in their prime age. You can consult a good hair transplant San Francisco expert to find long-lasting solutions for this condition. Nevertheless, the process doesn’t give the desired results for some people, because of the mistakes they commit in choosing their surgeon. Some of the common mistakes committed in this process are:

Trusting claims and offers more than you should

Almost every day you can see pamphlets and advertisements of hair transplant clinics with lots of “before” and “after” pictures of patients who underwent their surgery. Most of these newbie surgeons sell their services. They make tall promises of using world-class technlolgies and restoring the growth of hair follicles on your head, at very attractive prices. If you are already suffering from frustration and depression, you see these advertisements as a blessing. However, what you have to realize is that good and professional experts don’t voluntarily approach you to “sell” their knowledge. When you choose these low-cost services, you are putting your life in great danger.

Not preparing well

When you decide to opt for the hair transplant or hair restoration process, you should immediately get your doubts and questions cleared from your surgeon about the steps that you need to follow before, during and after the surgery. This will ensure that the surgery goes on well and that you recover as quickly as you can. More often than not, we fail to ask these questions to our surgeon. What awaits you is a bag full of unpleasant surprises. We don’t prepare well for the surgery as a result of which the follicles that are transplanted don’t perform the way they should. We take a long time to recover than usual due to these problems.

Not conducting enough research

One of the biggest blunders that people commit while choosing a hair restoration surgery San Francisco expert is not conducting proper research and analysis. What if the surgeon whom you have chosen has a medical negligence case pending against him at court? What if the certificates that he provided to you were fake? You wouldn’t want to get to know of these after being wronged by him, would you? It is always better to be safe than sorry. Similarly, spend enough time, in the beginning, to cross check the credentials of the surgeon. Analyze his record of past experience so that you come to know about how well or bad he has treated his patients, with a sole aim of minting money from them. When you get to know these facts after the damage has been done, you cannot do anything but feel sorry about it. Hence, it is important to be proactive and do a thorough research.


Richard G. Glogau, MD INC
350 Parnassus Avenue, Suite 400
San Francisco,California
Phone : 415–564–1261
Fax : 415–564–1967

