University Promotion Campaign

Active clubs and associations will be awarded a cash prize for organizing activities

3 min readNov 12, 2018

Juven is running a promotion campaign for clubs, associations and societies in universities in Hong Kong.

Terms and Conditions

This Juven Limited (“Juven”) promotional activity period begins immediately, and ends on 31st May, 2019. 此推廣活動的推廣期為即日至2019年5月31日。

To participate in this promotion, a club, association or society must參與此推廣的本港大學團體或組織必須:

  1. Register the organisation on Juven在Juven平台上註冊其大學團體或組織
  2. Run events on Juven在Juven平台上舉辦活動
  3. Running at least 1–5 event and with 200 unique contacts total during the promotion period will be counted as fulfilling the award condition. 舉辦1-5場活動, 累積200名個別參加者,即視為符合獎勵條件

Any and all university organisations, clubs and associations in Hong Kong may participate in this promotional activity. Nevertheless, Juven reserves the right to refuse service to organisations, or for events, that harm the interests and reputation of any university, university staff, university students, Juven, event venue or any other relevant entities. If any such case arises, Juven will revoke participation for the party involved. 參與此推廣的本港大學團體或組織並無限制,然而Juven有權拒絕任何損害學校和學校成員(包括學生、老師等)、本公司、活動場地及其他相關人士利益或聲譽的活動,並否決該活動參與此推廣的資格。

Only the events and event guests as registered and checked in on the Juven platform will be counted for the purposes of this promotion. 此推廣活動只計在Juven平台上註冊和簽到的活動和活動嘉賓。

No fraud, concealment, misconduct or inappropriate measures to obtain the award will be tolerated. Juven reserves the right to investigate the veracity of information and data pertaining to clubs, associations, organisations, activities and individual organisers. 本活動不接受任何欺詐、 隱暪或其他不當行為,以獲取此推廣的現金獎。如有需要,本公司有權向有關團體、組織或活動舉辦者核查資料和數據的真確性。

There is an upper limit to the amount of awards. Juven reserves the right to terminate the promotion at any time during the promotion period. Due efforts will be made to announce the end of promotion on this page, nevertheless this is no guarantee that all or any organisation will be contacted regarding the end of the promotion. For further inquiries, organisations, clubs and associations may contact Juven. 現金獎的發放並非無上限,Juven有權於推廣期內終止推廣。當此推廣終止時,Juven將會即時在本專頁發佈消息以作通知,但並不能保證所有團體或組織及時知悉。如須確認,參加此活動的大學團體或組織可聯絡我們。

The cash award will be mailed by cheque within 2 weeks upon fulfillment of the promotion award conditions. 參加此活動的大學團體或組織滿足獲獎條件後,現金獎將 在兩星期內以郵寄支票的方式發送。

By participating in this promotional activity, you agree to abide by all the terms and conditions set forth here and in our “terms of use”. You also agree to abide by the rules and regulation of your university, and the laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 所有合資格的團體或組織,若參加此活動,即同意此條款及細則,亦同意遵守相關大學的校規和規章,以及香港特別行政區的法律。

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. Juven Limited reserves the right of final decision in any case of disputes. 此條款及細則,以英文版為準。如有任何爭議,Juven Limited保留擁有最終決定權。

Disclaimer: Juven is an organisation and events platform. Apart from technical support, Juven does not endorse or condone any activities organised on its platform. Juven accepts no responsibility for the effect or result of any activities. 免責聲明:Juven作為邀約和活動組織電商平台,除了技術支援,Juven與平台上的所有活動並無關係,因此對於活動的成效或結果不會負有任何責任。




Community platform that empowers organizations to build, engage and grow their communities.