A Poem of despair

2 min readMay 18, 2023

I’ve had my share of lows, with fleeting highs,

Hope dims with every tick the clock supplies.

I’ve been strong, too strong for far too long,

If I shatter, don’t lay on me the blame, so wrong.

Life’s been a ruthless game, unkind in its turns,

How I yearn for a shift, for fortune’s flame that burns.

I dream of hopes realized, of aspirations met,

Longing for my chaotic life to finally reset.

At this juncture, I’m lost, uncertain what to do,

Options depleted, if they ever were true.

This wasn’t the life I envisioned, planned or sought,

I’ve dwelled in stagnation, my sanity distraught.

Change beckons me, aching for a victory,

I crave a breakthrough, to set my spirit free.

What’s the purpose of a life steeped in strife,

What do I gain from this gloomy, dreary life?

They say it’s meant to forge strength within,

But I never yearned for this relentless spin.

Let me revel in life’s pleasures, even if it weakens,

For there’s no nobility in poverty’s bleak ensigns.

Don’t mistake my words, hunger doesn’t plague,

Nor do I dwell in the direst of fate’s haze.

Yet, it feels as if my life has come to a stand,

I’ve voiced my plight, but none will understand.

This feeling consumes me, devouring my soul,

Alone in my struggle, no one to console.

Oh, God, I implore, lend a helping hand,

For my grasp is slipping, strength hard to withstand.

Trust me when I say, I’ve fought with all my might,

In this battle, I’ve given my everything, the fight.

©️Juwon Vamous

