Aztec Apocalypse Part II

12 min readFeb 9, 2023

Montezuma and Cortez. Mexican Apocalypse. Part 1: Young Montezuma was summoned to the Great Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, thence to yield his soul up to commune with the Gods. It was during the full Solar Eclipse of 1486.

A summons to the pyramid of the Sun happened only once or twice every 100 years, and if it was for a journey to commune with Quetzalcoatl that meant waiting for the tendrils to enter him from heaven, and wondering if he would be blessed to have a powerful spirit to act as his Psychopomp, or charioteer, into space and the kingdom of Quetzalcoatl and the immortal gods.

Slowly opening his eyes again, and still awaiting the arrival of the divine chariot, Montezuma lifted his hand, and stretching it out before him, closed one eye and found that he could place two fingers between the bottom of the undercarriage of the Sun’s sphere, and the line of the horizon, before brushing his open palm across his head and flicking away the remnants of fear and doubt that were just passing through his mind moments before.

This measurement with his fingers told him that the time must be near, when a great sign appeared in the Sun, a sparkling diamond was there at the top Western quadrant, at what would be 10–11 on a European 12-hour clock face, a diamond of such radiant sparkling, that all the priests drew in sharp breaths at the auspicious herald of the coming of Psychopomp.

The diamond sparkled in incomparable beauty, and was gone after 30 seconds, replaced by the edge of a black circle as the whole ambient light of the sky began to dim dramatically, and the bell was struck by the hand of an unseen priest, vibrating with a deep resonance that hung in the air, and telling all that Psychopomp was with them to take Montezuma away. This was the largest solar eclipse in the world for 1486, and Montezuma would have 6 minutes of invisibility to do what he had to do before his presence would be detectable by Others in the abyss.

The emperor-apparent’s heart began to beat fast, and as the sky darkened around the pyramid he closed his eyes once more, vaporizing the outer world, and gone was the darkened great plain with it’s circuitry of ancient structures, as suddenly torn from his body, buffeted by a great beating of feathers, as of the wings of a gigantic swan taking flight, he heard beyond, and all around his flying soul, the rapid clicking sound of a rattlesnake, that he sensed with an uncanny awareness was the wheels of the chariot, blasting his soul deep down into the abyss of inner-space, invisible to all the spirits of the earth for the two hours, invisible to all the planets of the sky, a secret meeting at the behest of an immortal god.

Xlotl, she who was known as ‘Wind-Jewel Conch’, snatched away the soul of the prince, and baring him inside her mind, entered first a wormhole spanning 1486 and 1519 in time, and from Teotihuacan to Mictlan, Cordova, Tenochtitlan and Teotihuacan, in space.

When he opened his eyes and looked around he discovered he had no body, and that he had not REALLY opened his eyes at all, but could only see as one sees with the mind’s eye of the imagination.

He saw two little fairies, each no bigger than an extended thumb, and sitting opposite each other on large lotus flowers in the middle of a stream and in between them a small, barren island.

Xlotl “They are Maitreya and Sakyamuni

Mont “What are they doing?

Xlotl; “They are having a flower growing competition

Mont “And is the island the prize and the fertile ground for the flowers?

Xlotl (smiling with approval at the wisdom of Montezuma) “It is

Mont “Where is the original island on Earth

Xlotl “The Indians, Tibetans, Chinese, Kashgars, Kossacks, and Persians call it Mt Kailash

Montezuma opened his eyes, but he did not know where, nor WHO he was. He was a 1 year old baby. He did not remember he was an Aztec emperor sitting on a pyramid.

Xlotl “Hello my lord Quetzalcoatl”.

He saw only light but felt that she who spoke, also smiled and said

Xlotl “I do not normally act as Psychopomp, nor deal with human kings, except by dealing them my dart on the day of ‘1 Reed’, but when I saw that it was you my lord Quetzalcoatl, in this form, disguised as a human, I wonder why you, who can sail across the void more swiftly than the beating heart of a hummingbird, called me to act as Psychopomp, and I wonder…

Montezuma could sense at this moment a brightening of her light, and as he tried without thinking at all to deepen his concentration, he could see her aura change from confusion, then fear, and finally joy, with a light and playful twinkle of amusement, and that was the only way he had of apprehending what was happening, it was all just colors and lights.

Xlotl “I wonder if your summons may be mockery but I pray it be to honor me with your presence for its own sake”.

That said the spirit was silent, and Montezuma, who recognized that the voice, or spirit, had addressed HIM by the name of the great god Quetzalcoatl, must have mistaken him to be that deity, and he felt at first amused to be so flattered, as he himself on Earth was among the highest men, and to be mistaken or compared with anyone in the world, except perhaps another mighty king, would be an insult, but to mistake him for Quetzalcoatl was if anything an insult to the god. As his mind processed these thoughts his next feeling was uncertainty, and then something froze his thought process.

Montezuma could feel the presence within his mind of the one who had spoken, and who had so gravely mistaken his identity, and he now began to fear and to wonder WHO she, or IT, was, and what it would say when it discovered that he was a human man and not the immortal Feathered Serpent God, when his uncertainty was addressed by she, whose amused emotional color reflected a level of amazement that far surpassed that experienced by the Aztec, and she said now in a gentle voice-

My Lord is it possible that you do not know yourself, nor even me Xlotl, goddess of Venus, and your very own twin?

Mont “Forgive me, oh powerful spirit, for I am not who you think I am, and I beg you to know that I had no intention to deceive. How is it though spirit that you call me after the name of our most high god, and did I hear true that you are indeed his consort the great Xlotl?

You think,” laughed the goddess “…Lord Quetzalcoatl, that I have mistaken you, but it is YOU who have mistaken yourself, and if you could see yourself in reflection, as I see you in this very moment, then you may be even more surprised, if it is true that you think you are in truth this human king

How then should I look to myself?

I will show you my Lord

All of a sudden he became conscious of his soul’s non-physical sensations, his ‘feelings’ in relation as of synechtoche to his ‘senses’, and the simplest comparison to a physical experience would be that he was lying naked on a warm sandy beach with a linen cloth over his eyes, and although where he was he had no feet to feel the sand between his toes, nor to stand on the cool grass, no eyes to see, nor stomach to feel nerves twitching inside it, but in his ‘stomach’ (or at least his “astral stomach”) the had a comfortable feeling, like warm soup that sates hunger and brings security and a sense of home, in the mind a pleasant light, like morning sunlight filtered by the dancing leaves of maple in a light breeze, with a colorful glow of rainbow primaries melting from blue, to red and green, and a continuous sound of musical tones of low vibration, horns or conches being blown over the sea, these all, that had harmonized so well, began to swell and change.

At first it was tolerable, and he was aware that Xlotl was trying to ease him into the ability to adjust to the vastness of his True-self, and that should be achievable in the inner-sphere, where size is not important, but the thing which drives a man mad is PROPORTION. The only thing required is patience and time, and the good news for Montezuma (and for the Mercy on the world that was to come, albeit in blood at first) was that 6 minutes of Earth time during the full cover of the eclipse, is the equivalent of about 40 years in Earth time.

Xotl “You are in Ilhuicatl-Huitstlan, the 4th Heaven1, YOUR Heaven my lord, and the ministry of Venus — whom you created under the Father.

In truth Quetzalcoatl had been living his life as a human, Montezuma and necessarily as, which is as a when ripples in a the water barely disturb a tiny row-boat, and even as they grow into waves, the waves can be ridden on the right angle, prow to the face, as they steadily come, even if they increase, so long as the sailor can compensate by moving his weight to accommodate the gravitational forces’ push and pull. It is all relative to the size of the boat.

Xlotl was trying to ease him by use of comforting illusion and synechtoche, to see himself expand in mind from that young human emperor in his small human context with the inner and outer world in relation to himself, but the more she tuned him into his true wavelength, the LARGER everything became, and then the SMALLER, and then when it became a combination of the VAST and INFINTESIMAL, well…in his own description-

At first it was not unpleasant, like the surface of a bath tub full of water. The child sits in the tub, with only his body and the little toy boat or duck floating on the surface, but his body takes up enough space that, little body though it is, can easily disperse the water in the tub by its movement alone, easily causing splashes and little waves that to the toy boat are massive, and when the child moves his hand beneath the surface, and watches the smooth displacement of the layer of water, flowing like a silken fabric over his hand, he feels the contrast of what it is like to be the WAVE and not the BOAT, and this awareness of contrast of size stimulates his imagination, and he thinks-

Boy “I am a powerful superman, and I have made a tsunami! Grrrrr! But I tricked you little boat. It was just my hand moving beneath the water! I am the size of a mountain, and my arms are huge sea-monsters that sweep and disrupt the surface of the water that is the Pacific Ocean itself, and this tub is the whole world!”, thus the boat cannot see the hand but only knows the power of the wave rising and falling beneath it.

In his imagination it is not really his little child-arms but great twin-serpents that displace the ocean in a moving hump, creating a ripple effect of vast tidal waves that are really just him splashing in the bath. The child can see thus a colossal version of himself, because the water in a bath acts the same as in the ocean, only on a different scale.

Montezuma was simultaneously the man in the boat the size of a normal human carrying fishing boat, then he was in the tiny boat in the bath, then the mischievous child playing with it all. This is what Xlotl was teaching him to do — to be the child for whom the change in perspective is both natural and expected.

Flash forward to another disconnected moment, he is in the boat again — the normal man-sized one, trying to realize himself to be the great and monstrous child, as shown by Xlotl, but could not make the “jump” and almost drowned in a huge dark blue wave that felt too real, and as such almost drowned, when the perspective he was experiencing suddenly adjusted again, and he was in an instant no longer a baby in a bath, but an actual mountain in an ocean, and then again this time he was a baby in an ocean, then in a womb, expanding and contracting as in the act of assisting the separation from the child at birth, then he was again just man lying on a sandy beach, only this time he took a breath of relief only it was laced with fear of what was to come next and so he sat up and he removed the cool, damp cloth that covered his eyes, and sitting up, looked out on the sea bed, and he felt that something strange-

M/Q “Why am I looking at miles of sea bed and no ocean?

It was indeed retreating as he watched — the water-line seemed to be retreating all along the strand, and the water drained backwards fast, like someone had pulled the plug from the ocean, and it was all draining out, and as he watched this he could hear THROUGH the vision, the voice of that guiding psychopomp, the great Xlotl, who was shouting as from the sky or behind the sky- still convinced he was Quetzalcoatl. She was speaking to him but seemed unaware that he was being buffeted in a vision that kept re-adjusting perspective, on a vast scale-

Montezuma (distractedly) “It’s just like the contractions of a woman’s womb…

Xlotl “Not “SEEMS”, “IS”, and this is…

He could not hear but was on sand again staring into a vast cavernous sea bed, and was again fixated thus, as SHE was still speaking faintly in the background, in what was, to Montezuma, a muffled sound, like she was in another room, and the tone was conversational, suggesting she either did not know or was ignoring his plight, and she continued in a distant echo-

..[something unclear]…the wormhole the next Transit of Venus in 1518 as you prepare your avatar for the Aztec apocalypse. I did not foresee that you would come to this transit. I have been looking out for the Invisible One, in case he uses this transit to come back…

As she was uttering these words which to him were nonsense, he tuned out again, but this time was struck dumb for a moment with horror at the unimaginable size of the wave, which looked as high as a mountain, that was coming at him, and beginning to arch and develop those foamy chops that are as so many of the dragon’s teeth, looming as it was two thousand feet high and coming on with the speed of a jaguar, and suddenly he screamed-

Mont “Xlotl save me!” and he only barely had a split second before his mind was snatched away and liberated just before the last wave in history, the INELUCTABLE WAVE of certain annihilation overcame him, to think a few very quick words that he passed out and forgot as swiftly as he conjured them in the first place “Who or what is Jesus?”,

Instantly all was white, all was silent and the voice of the woman

What did she call herself…? Xlotl?” he thought he shouted,

and her voice kept speaking to him, oblivious of these sensations he was experiencing-

Xlotl (with wonder) “I have seen thy plan in full revelation my Lord. Surely none is as wise as Thee!

Mont (faint from exhaustion) “But I’m Montezuma…

Xlotl “When the child is born from the watery abyss in the divided world of water, earth, fire and air, there is a trauma caused by the contractions, so I will not put you in an unborn child but we will wait to make sure it is strong and I will put you in him when he is 1 year old. I will strike the soul of the baby with a dart. It can join the flowers, and you can go in as…

He heard no more but lost consciousness for a long time after that liquid moment, and when he next experienced awareness it was different to this visit to what he assumed to have been Mictlan, and was rather a dream, and in the dream he was carried as by a psychopomp, but this time not as a traveler in Mictlan or any or the 9 heavens or hells, but rather as a passenger in the body of a human man, though of such a race of men as he had never imagined the like, but would come to learn would be integral in the plans of Quetzalcoatl.

1 Actually the delegation of the 4th Heaven: Zebul to Venus is the same in Jewish lore. IT is also the dominion of Samael.




A lit particle-collider: I smsh historical wt purely fctnl chrctrs & trad nrtivs eg if u cd hve dnr w anyone in hstry, who, what wld you ask? What wd they say?