God Is In The Neuron

3 min readMar 11, 2022

July 2, 2018

I love the professor! Feel privileged to Listen to him!! If you dig a little bit about this all-mess about coding here and there then you will be amazed that this World has also been coded beautifully, that it seems natural to us and run so smoothly that no one questions it.

And here if I write it down all then people name it to fate, as it was all pre-written about all my action, that is where the Artificial Intelligence comes upon which unlocks another dimension to Humankind to understand this universe more rigidly to life origin level.

I am not saying that this is only my theory but in this world, there are many people who use to think out of the box which is quite difficult for humans like us who are typically normal humans yet evolved but not on that advanced level who can decode it all at an instant.

I feel miserable when I see so many people just give up because the system in which we all are living, does not allow its cycle to be broken easily. It consists of lots of subparts like Socialisation, Insecurity about Small things to Big things aka Materialism.

Now in that direction, it’s possible somebody tries to break out of this system and get away with it after finding Vulnerabilities. Either that guy gets control over itself or just finds it in a state where it feels helpless as it doesn’t inherit other beings It was just a solo performance it needed which is actually the only way to way out of system illusion or whatever you name it.

Now as I started about the code world, there is again Athene’s theory about the neurological architecture approach where it beholds the paradigm of neurological events. And he concludes that God is in the neuron. At the same time, it’s fascinating to know that is it possible that there is some kind of entity that somehow gets aware of itself and existence automatically and independently without any external cause.

If we go deeper with the help of quantum theory we find that matters can interact with Entanglement properties. These all indicate how we are limited to the level of interpretation of things all around us and our brain neurons and synapse are also limited to unlocking the world or universe. But interesting things are we limited yet eager to curious to decode it and luckily proceeding toward that direction.

The coming age of Artificial Intelligence will vastly aid us to advance our human race's capabilities and its limit if it exists. I do not agree with Elon Musk at this point about AI will erase the human race although he is my ideal. What I think is if we were somehow able to create a fully advanced AI then it would have been achieved that endurance of intelligence, to them we are God, and as we don’t close by with our God (Creator), the same would play there.

We might find something or unlock it into us biologically to that time and be gone. And another factor is our lack of awareness or nescience is what takes us into chaotic form. Now talking about AI, they are well structured or at least Self-aware and Unsupersive in an efficient way till that span of time may result in a good and healthy entity who gives some importance to us.

At last, as things evolve, it was me on 1941 Hr 2018.07.2. See you at future-me. 😉

Puzzle: Decode the professor's name and contact in this article. And DM me on Twitter @jvoltci. I will gift you the book Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow.

